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Wife Self-Deletes After Husband Discovers All 4 Kids Aren’t His

Published on 26 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment
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Fucking WHIP these lying bitches.
And fuck the legal system.
Seriously - The State Sanctioned Stand Over Merchants - at these lying bitches beck and call.

Absolutely Men - Go Your Own Way.

Let them starve in the streets and get eaten alive by the dogs, and be turned into dog shit.

2 Kings 36 - 37

36 "The dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel".

37 "And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field."

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tekrat 21 days ago

Wow you just can't trust anyone these days.

the second guy should have sued his wife for 4 million dollars.

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sauger1001 21 days ago

3:24. She said (don't they all?), "It was only one time", only to realize it was (at least) three, by three different men? WTF!

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I have an IDIOT female inlaw - who fucked 5 different guys and had like 6 kids to them... She is an IDIOT and all her kids are crims and junkies....

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GenerationLESS 21 days ago

Lots of empathy for the man whose wife offed herself. Not for her, just him. He will never have any answers or explanations. I hope he can find some kind of closure.

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sauger1001 21 days ago

Instead of facing the truth (it's possible he'd leave her and her kids anyway), she took the "easy" way out.

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GenerationLESS 21 days ago

Was thinking the same.

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