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WIFELIKE Movie Proves Why Robot Companions Will Replace Modern Women In The Future | SPOILERS

Published on 21 Aug 2022 / In People & Blogs

We were spot on with our Wifelike trailer analysis and now that the movie is out, we can dive a little deeper into the foolishness. Wifelike Spoiler review from a red pill perspective.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

I wanted to watch the movie before checking this out, and now that I have I can say that I disagree with how it was shot, the acting was stiff and and dry, though the 'Meredith' character was well-played during the beginning, especially the little subtleties of being 'activated' for the first time, it devolved very quickly. Probably the worst part of this movie was the last 20 minutes which were pure exposition; a hallmark of bad storytelling. Instead of discovery we get handed one explanation after another to fill in deliberate blanks that would have benefited from more polish and nuance rather than info dumps and flashbacks. Lazy.

That said, the narrative parts of this film were eye-rolling, MHD covers it pretty succinctly here. The movie is basically how to describe the feminist's impression of 'the patriarchy' without actually saying the word patriarchy. All the stereotypes are there; men are weak, oppressive, selfish, materialistic, controlling, and in all ways awful except when they kindly die for reasons.

I went in blind, I was kind of expecting a more realistic depiction of why men would resort to gynoids and what I got was you have to be depraved, lonely, or cruel to want one. The fact that most of the reasons given for men having one of these companions was to replace a lost loved one took the onus from women driving men away. That scene with the two talking about why women hate companions, and the low marriage and birth rates being blamed on men was the only part that treated it honestly, and even then it was cynical.

I kept thinking there was no way a studio would green light this if it had been more fair about men being driven away by women and their abusiveness, leaving me to wonder how much of this was baked into the original story, and how much of this was to appease studio heads that need (((THE MESSAGE))) crammed into everything.

I don't see men getting these to replace the women they've lost, I see men getting these to avoid what women have become. Dolls are growing in popularity for this reason. I'm surprised that prostitution is so much on the rise; women are diseased and dangerous, and having a turn with a sperm toilet holds no appeal to me, especially for the price, and especially because women are typically starfish in bed anyway.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

Well, two things. Either way, when we "get" kne, we are replacing women l I st. These cunts today are not feminine and are anti-male and man-haters, so we are replacing women lost to us a hundred years ago thanks to Feminism, err Communism but I repeat myself. Second, when someone does make a movie that thus about sex bots or waifus, we need to support them to challenge THE MESSAGE with all its lies. Fuck these postmodern cunts. Let them die alone and get eaten by their fucking cats.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: It's really tough to get any kind of fair depictions on this. I think it was decades before the concept of prostitution for lonely men was treated less tongue in cheek and showed the reality of the hardships men face in dealing with modern women and the havoc they wreak, and the male need for love and affection from females. It's like the ideas can't exist without some woke teal-hair on the production team wagging fingers because it's doesn't deride men enough, so if he wants a love robot it must be pointed out that he's pathetic and just wants something to abuse, even if that something is as much his property as a smart phone or bath towel. Meanwhile we get a movies like Bicentennial Man that depicts relations between an android and a woman as sweet and caring. Star Trek TNG, Data was a love interest that was treated with genuine scrutiny by the writers, but when he makes a gynoid daughter the idea of romance is played for laughs. This goes into the sex toy arena as well, where with women it's depicted positively, usually a means of ownership of one's own pleasure, but with men it's always a joke involving inflatable sex toys or some gross pervert that can't get a woman.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

@DutchCobbler: That's just the Leftist bias. Fuck them. We need to make a decent movie without them and scare these whores to death by them how bad they fucked up.

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havok545 3 years ago

Men do NOT want to kill. That's why PEACE broke out both in WW1 AND WW2

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

I found the part about the robots being registered to be a key point. It seems just like guns the companions will be kept away from the populace as much as possible.

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

It also falls with the weirdos trying to give robots human status.

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eldrazi317 3 years ago


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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

So, what I inferred from this video is WifeLike is a realistic movie with a hot lead actress with a nice ass. Hey these days nice skinny asses are rarity like a unicorn or dragon sighting. Second, when we create such wives, we need to back up her memory say daily or weekly and monitor what is uploaded to her. Monitor through stealth cameras all visitors and rooms. When a feminist cunt comes around, wipe the waifu bots memory and reinstall. Problem solved.

And yeah, fuck feminists. You made this bed now sleep in that shit.

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NeoGeoGamer 3 years ago

The least plausible thing was that the robot wife would ever be allowed to be in a woman's company. Nobody based enough to have a robot wife would let that happen and not wipe her right afterward.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

@ihatetheantichrist: Just pray she doesn't run on Windows with steath spying and automatic can not turn off updates.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

We need to make a Waifu healthy living movie with at the end the man and his waifu robot leaving, rather Escaping the city before feminist cunts and BLM burn the city down and kill each other. A happy ending.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

Believe it or not, this scene was written in the eighties, except the waifu was a genetically clone woman programmed to love the buyer and she died while he escaped. It was in Brosnan's Sky Lords. A series I read in High School. I finally got all three books but the third one is not a hardback...

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