Will hollywood suvive after lockdown
Published on 08 Aug 2020 / In
Will Hollywood and Disney be able to survive after lockdown? let me know in the comments
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I know i will get a lot of dudes pissed but i'm going to say it anyway . I'm sure you have heard when i was a child i played with toys . But when I became a Man i put away My toy's . Well Video games are a waste of a MAN's Time . As worthless as the weemon of today . I always Worked for myself and Retired at 45 i still kept making Money but i could travel or do anything i wanted. Hollywood and game's are the same wile you watch a movie or play a game it's all FAKE ! It waste your time you gain nothing you don't get smarter or richer you get nothing ! If you keep doing the game thing Don't EVER complain when your old and have Zero Money and your 68 and still working just to feed your self and have no home to call your own . Weemon get taken care of by daddy Gov Not Men Just look at all the Men that live on the street. Look Hard ... you just may be there One Day . A Word to the wise Put away the Toys & comic books . Do What a Man Has To Do ! Or take the low road End up a Bum On the Street. It' not to late your young And time goes by very Fast. I'M Not saying this to be a ASS HOLE . I Just Want My MGTOW Brothers to be the best they can be .... I Wish you well & Good luck with what ever you choose to do . ***MGTOW monk FOREVER***