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William Cooper Mystery Babylon Interview with Jordan Maxwell

Published on 16 Aug 2024 / In Other

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Yep... Everything he said about "the future will deal with it"... that's us folks... They use on purpose the New World Order, the way they use it is a lie: We are the New World Order since the 18th Century as America rose to Freedom as a Republic, but they infiltrated and sabotaged us. Their "New World Order" is a return to harsh, demonic Old World Order, ie Pharaohic Old World Order of Masters and slaves, mostly slaves, ie us the population, and few nobles or masters, ie the 1%ers... Are you awake yet? This ancient demonic shit is coming because demons hated men as ince the beginning, our beginning, because we are Made in the Image of God (El.) We are also connected to God El via our soul, a piece of Himself He put in us during fertilization as we started out as a zygote or "The Spark of Life." His piece or our soul is what allows us go perceive time knowing we are present, well some of us, remembered our pasts (excepts those poor amnesiacs, and are looking forward to the future...God El's touch upon humanity, mankind the ape made human... by the spirt within...

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Oh shit... he connected this to Bronze Age astrology and astronomical observations... some witchcraft often just called the craft, ie stellar witchcraft or astrological witchcraft, is connected to the stars...whether or not it is the craft or superstitious, there appears to be abundances of energy associated... I think it is related to us earth rotating around the sun as the Milky Way rotates around its axis kind of like eclipses, different rnergies get blocked or allowed passage...Not sure how this ties into us, but it does affect our psychology if notthing us or zeitgeist per se...Just saying. These are observations I noticed with reoccuring, ie elliptical orbits, demonstrations...

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Oh, you learned of him too... yeah, the IRS or CIA killed him too... Behold A Pale Horse was an interesting book.

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

Well we can know about it - BUT We can't Do a thing about it we have to sit here and Take all the Bullshit !

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

And don't believe everything in videos like Merlin the magician that's a mythical character And you can make anything you want to too - LIKE - The Clock look at the clock there's 12 numbers there's 12 months each hour is one of the month's and 12 Apostles ... and so on I could just keep making stuff up - So don't trust everything you hear or see in a video . Just sayin .

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