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Wining and Sex increase testosterone - Albert Huberman

9 subscribers
Published on 16 May 2022 / In Film & Animation

Our subconscious mind puts you in a hierarchy. Ranging from Chad to Incel. Lobsters have this effect to serotonin SSRIs work on them just like they work on humans. When you give lobsters SSRI they fight the Alfa lobsters and dont stop unless they are killed.
Our brain puts us in a lower hierarchy so that we don't die like those lobsters. There's no reason for us to be in the low hierarchy men at this moment. Start winning even if it's not real. Your brain will make you think your Alfa.

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Bagoodman 3 years ago

1 mil oil buy in at $111.62- out at $ 113.74 - Profit of $ 18,990.00 - One Day - Don't know about my Testosterone But my Wallet feels Fine .

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

You had 1 mil to spare wtf your testosterone must already be high. when I was in all in crypto, emotions where running high. 15k in one day for me felt really good. Definitely felt something change in my brain after that first time.

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: ohh okay makes sense now math didn't add up to me. Did the high risk pay off ? That's a lot of stress hu ? probably bad for your health.

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Bagoodman 3 years ago

@SuperMachoAlfa: you can buy blocks with other people - a good start is to save 300k cash then get into the stock market - do it on paper first then start small - a little day trading

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

@Bagoodman: I think I'm too impatient to save 300K first. Ill just passively buy some stocks and try my best to research. Do you guys watch nonsense forex ?

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: world is ending bro, I don't think i have enough time. That's why I say im impatient.

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Bagoodman 3 years ago

@SuperMachoAlfa: The world is not ending - Don't listen to all the bull shit on MSM or the shit they teach you in school today . It's all propaganda - They lied to my generation too. The world will end from the climate thing is a Lie - Almost everything is a lie . And to save money is not so hard - You save 1,000 at a time put it away and never touch it - Before you know it you put 1,000 in a box a hundred times . And after you start it will be like a contest to you you will try to see how fast you can make that next 1,000 . You have to get serious with life first . Get control of yourself - Think things out calmly - More Logic less emotions . And listen to the people that have done well - A lot of people talk big but if there not retired with there own money they have no proof of what they say .

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

@Bagoodman: lol they had me take a entire class on global warming for a whole year in highschool called it oceanography. Debuncked it a year after I got out. Indoctrination is in full effect. Im talking about Klaus swab say 4 billion will die by 2030 and eating bugs. And bill gates buying prison stock and being the largest farm owner in USA. And Scamarona. And the Russian oligarchs fighting with the Rothschild oligarchy. And i still think the Rothschild own most the banks. Im doomsday preping, im aiming to be a warlord. When the world turns in to something like the movie Mad Max.

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ExperimentalGroup 3 years ago

@SuperMachoAlfa: you are likely right. The world has never been this outrightly evil. Having a lil money might help, but so will having a gun to defend yourself and a group of friends or family when shit his the fan.

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