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Woke Community Manager Wants Gamers GONE

29 Vues
Publié le 07 Sep 2024 / Dans Gaming

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis  

we need an "I'm Spartacus" moment, except it's men saying "I'm A Bigot" and just dare them to ban you lol, i would love to see men all jump in and say this on mass.

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WMHarrison94 7 mois depuis

Well, we are: Women are freaking out that men are not asking them or taking them out on dates! They gonna starve because their meal tickets are tired of their lies. Now, games are being canceled within weeks because we refuse to support them.

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WMHarrison94 7 mois depuis

You know if you going to hire retarded THOTs, just hire them to suck your dick...I'm so tired of hearing them... Men Bad! Gamers Bad... Boy Scouts bad-- flood it with fags and little girls. They destroyed all male spaces unless "religious" including our gaming spaces and Discord... fuck 'em. Drive them out and create new spaces and guard them.

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Furioso 7 mois depuis

Whoever is against woke shit is a right wing bigot .Fine ,i like to be a bigot but i'm don't believe in politics so i'm not a right wing voter .Fuck these corrupt retarded people who want to destroy what men like .#Bigot team forever

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

I'm A Bigot, or in other words I'm Spartacus.

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@KEEPER: Spartacus haha Great Fucking Movie starring Kirk Douglas \G/

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: you know i never actually saw the movie myself, however i have seen many clips of how this scene took place and all of these men were willing to say they were Spartacus as a show of support for who they were willing to die for for what he represented, which made it a powerful scene that i think we need to see more often when it comes to so many bullshit things happening these days, so what i personally mean in this context is to use it to show these companies who the modern audience is, they like to say they make the games for the modern audience, but that audience never seems to show up, because technically we are their modern audience, only we don't value their subversion bullshit politics, we are the "majority modern audience" and they are too busy catering to "nobody" i would say less than 1% of the gamer audience is this Modern Audience they so "proudly project" in their every word, only to realize the Modern Audience doesn't like the shit they like, and would rather burn that shit down to the ground.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

this is why i want Ubisoft to die, i literally want them to go bankrupt, i have no doubts in my mind that this is the true path moving forward to "make these games great again" to use a trump style quote lol. and i feel the same way with a lot of these other companies who are going broke due to going woke, i want them all to go bankrupt on this DEI nonsense.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

to many people are willing to forgive these companies if they just pandered to them, but i feel this is the wrong course of action because what's going to stop them from doing this shit again in the future? they have already shown they can't be trusted many times already and they double down on this nonsense all the time, so in my opinion, they must die on DEI.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

it's the only path that makes logical sense to me

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@KEEPER: I agree 10,000% they never should have had any legs to begin with they should have be DEAD ON ARRIVAL from the Fucking start or at the Very Least had their Kneecaps CHAINSAWED OFF from Real True Gamers With Balls Now its just a Game of Attrition and Starve em out let em rot and die they should have never picked a war with Real True Gamers and we will crush them. I got my Gaming License back in 89 show me yours Keeper :P haha jk \G/

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@KEEPER: UBISUCKS AS RGE CALLS IT deserves to die after what they did to ruin the Prince of Persia Franchise fuck em I want to watch them Burn, Those FAGGOTTS are so dumb picking a war with Real True Gamers we are Gamers we do all we can GRINDING TO BEAT INSANELY HARD LEVELS AND BOSSES and you think we gonna Lose this SOFT EASY DEI WAR to them FAGGOTT COCKSUCKERS Get the Fuck outta of here and we will Destroy you and hack and mod those pathetic freakshows and starve them out in this WAR of Attrition as RGE says FUCK EM AND THEY DONT GET ANY MY MONEY I Feel the Exact Same way Starve em out and Let them Die. KEEPER MOD THE FUCK OUT OF UBISHIT SO IT DIES WHOLE LOTTA QUICKER AND I WILL BRING THE SPITROAST SPINNING PIG AND WE CAN ROAST IN ON THE FLAMES AND WATCH AS UBISHIT BURNS HAHA \G/

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: now recently i have been playing their older games, the good ones, the ones i purchased and own, well own as in, until they take it away like their CEO said he will eventually do, but i liked their games in the past, the new stuff i can't stand, some are ok but they just have fallen so far from grace that i can't support this company anymore, i will still play their old games while i still can, but i will not give them a penny more for their games, they need to go bankrupt and need to sell their entire IP library and just stop making games, i suspect they will sell when this happens and they might attempt to come back as a new studio, but pay close attention to who the owners of Ubisoft are so we can avoid that new studio as well, these people do not deserve to be rewarded any more respect in the industry, and i also say this for people who worked at their studios as well, everyone needs to be put on a fucking list of "do not trust" at all costs, i even say this for the gaming media morons who call themselves journalists, i don't trust them, they deserve to have no work in this industry ever again, and i mean that, these people need to be treated as scorched earth or as they are a cancer on the industry as a whole.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: even the very companies of these journalists need to be boycotted and their perspective owners, they are all activists nothing more.

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WMHarrison94 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: It's Blackrock and its master Vanguard Investments have been forcingvthis DEI and Bridge, its relabeling, onto us to brain wash us. They believe that if they quiet dissenting voices, they control the Narrative and the info. That only works aboutb80 to 85 % of the time. We are demonstrating we are fucking tired of it.

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WMHarrison94 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: So, you don't like the urnalists... Yeah nobody does, but they it looks like tried to honeypot Tim Fool... Roaming Millennial Laura Chen might not be "roaming around" any more... As I think it was RGe or perhaps TFM or Clownfish reported, those older games were built by men, visionaries but these DEI cunts and woke diversity President Barryy O'Bomber (Big Mike's Cock sleeve) forced these "companies" to hire woke and cock block white men: I know for sure. I graduated at this time and could not get a job off my degrees because "fucking white people." However, we aren't stupid: We find away. I mean we had too. They've been killing White People off all the way since Ancient (Spaniard) Atlantis... I called it the Atlantis Protocol.

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Amiba 7 mois depuis

I pity those poor CRTs in the background, those TVs deserve a better home!

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