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Woke Eat Their Own: TERFs VS Transformers!

Published on 07 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation
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sauger1001 2 years ago

Doubtful she'll support repealing the 19th.

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SteveOUK 2 years ago

I noted this many years ago: "I want in! INCLUSION!" and "You want in? THIS IS OUR SPACE!" will often come from the same person or group.

I've found that we members of the Evil Whiteocratic Maleocracy *do* have our own spaces--we just don't advertise them. Further, we don't seek (much less receive) funding or support extorted from others; we are completely self-sufficient. We also don't move into nor take over the spaces others create for themselves; we have a live-and-let-live attitude. We keep our culture to ourselves because we know that others will see us as a resource from which they may draw while contributing nothing, using guilt and social pressure to achieve their ends. It's not a conspiracy against anyone, but an act of self-preservation against those who have not earned what we have.

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Straven 2 years ago

Yeah these commie whores don't care whatsoever when its done to others who don't follow the same bs crap as them....but the second they get an actual piece of there own crap themselves like that female doctor over in california who got nailed in the face by a metal container by a homeless thug suddenly found themselves wanting Trump era polices and red state style police around to help.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Whaaa! You mean a social worker didn't come to counsel her on her privilege, and showing that SHE is the reason these leftist policies exist? REEEE!

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