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Woke Gen Z Is BROKE! 56% Rely On Money From Parents & Credit Card Defaults SKYROCKET 90%

Published on 10 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

You get what you vote for

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Toki 2 months ago

Not Gen Z or whatever. It's women, simps, streamers, unemployed grifters (also streamers,) management types, and Gov that are causing massive inflation.
Also anyone who believes they can afford children but honestly they can not. But they still do anyways because peasants still reproduce for some odd reason.
Basically the only people not causing inflation would be single celibate men as monks who go to a legitimate occupation and work. You don't work anywhere Jeremy. But you do consume a ton and obviously you could cut back on the food intake to help food inflation. You are the inflation really. An overweight streamer who buys toys in the background there. With a wife who is also unproductive. Any children you have will be unproductive also living off YT welfare money from their father.
Also you said living off their parents? Maybe the few who have a father but not many. Most children only have single moms who will not give their children free money. They have to wait for school on Monday to eat. They haven't eaten since Friday lunch at school for free State lunch. All of this causing inflation. Including the act of procreation which causes inflation because we have limited space and resources on Earth.
The woke Gen Z part you are really referring to are Gen Z women. But they are no different than older women? This makes no sense. I doubt many younger men vote because they should be intelligent enough I hope to realize it's just theater. "They voted for." Did they really or did the mafia inform you all who their actor is for 4 years? To assume the Gov could count 100 votes is laughable. Who is counting the votes? Can they really be trusted? Surely they have a bias. AI can't count either. How about we do something meaningful and stop playing the game. However this means cucks need to stop signing up to be military, SS elite guard, police, etc. That's the only way to stop the mafia from enslaving us. The only real vote a man has is refusal to join the mafia's enforcer class.

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