Woman Bangs 18 Dudes While Cuck Hubby Watches O_O
From my 2018 to 2020 content produced after my youtube channel “The MGTOW Philosopher” was banned. This is from my new show “The Realist Philosopher.” Posting a lot of my content from oldest to newest, so stay tuned. Other platforms I'm on, and social media links can be found below ;)
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Welcome to the new age man who has no balls to walk away and do the Craig david
Wtf ???
I wonder if they know who the genetic father's of the kid's are? The degeneracy is strong in this couple. That used to be a rare and weird kink. It's now been essentially normalized. I'm just curious how far the trend in degeneracy will go.
Catholic school girl's were always easier than public school girl's. Twenty year's ago a virgin was rare, currently you have a better chance of finding a unicorn. Catholicism offers an easy out, confess your sins and you're absolved.