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Woman CAUGHT Cheating On Husband, Then THIS Happened...

Published on 19 Jun 2024 / In Entertainment
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sardonicsmile 8 days ago

Fuck that female cop fake consoling him.

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Jaygo 11 days ago

Men get what the FK they ask for. They know relationships no longer work, But they delusionally still take chances searching for their mythical unicorn, getting destr4oyed in the process, just as women delusionally ride the CC looking for her 666 Bad boy that's going to be faithful to her and only her. These people get what they deserve. No matter what amount of evidence, data, videos or anything you show them. They all believe they'll beat the odds because "my girl would never do that". he Most famous words of a simp.

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CobaltSteel 11 days ago

Cheating on the husband "THE ULTIMATE SHIT TEST"

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LOL - There are a lot of women - their default setting is sleaze and deceit.

"Do you want to come off and fuck five more guys right now?" - "Yeah Sure".

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Drums_McBashington 12 days ago

That's not a cop. It's a skit.

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