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Woman Cuts Man's Dick Off & Flushes It Down Toilet - MGTOW

Published on 05 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover the this story about a jealous wife jailed for five years for ginsuing her husband's shwing shwang and then flushing it down the toilet after he cheated on her with her 15-year-old neice. Looks like with this inflation everyone's making difficult cuts. In Brazil the age of consent is 14 so he didn't do anything illegal. Even after his chubby custard launcher became aligator food in the sewers he still forgave his wife. After she found out about the neice she lewered him to do some hanky panky in bed, tied him up and went all samurai styles on his family jewels. This guy is such a simp that after forgiving her he even paid for her legal team for the trial. She's probably only going to be out two or three years for good behavior. Even with that she's going to spend more of her simp husbands money fighting the verdict because she says that she acted under violent emotion. So surprise she doesn't want to take accountability for her actions. Color me shocked. The judge said the verdict was fair. But imagine what type of sentence her husband would have received if he had ginsued her flap jack chesticles off. I'll bet you it would have been twenty to thirty years. Her husband is being fitted for a prosthetic phalus and is blaming himself for provoking her attack. This guy has the worse case of love goggles I've ever seen even after she got rid of his one eyed willy. He says that she's a wonderful, loving woman who loves me. He says his wife can be jealous and possessive and recently broke his new phone in a fit of rage. This story continues with him saying that his faith in God will get him through this and that nothing happens in life without God's permission. Expect of course when you wife uses her free will to remove you shwing shwang. She even too a picture with his member before flushing it down because she didn't want him to re-attach it. That's pure evil. But at least according to her he won't be cheating on her again. There was no word of a divorce and I wouldn't be surprised if he was waiting outside of prison in a few years when she's released holding flowers in his hand the way he once held his manhood. Brazil is one of the most Feminist countries in the world and about five years ago the country had the biggest boom in men going their own way content creators as a response. I've talked to guys about it and they told me that once Catholicism fell out of favor with the women there they needed a new outlet for their emotional angst and feminism was it. Then when men went their own way the women in that country got YouTube to ban their channels entirely from the platform. The more Christian a country is the more rabid the feminism once women stop going to Church. You saw the same sort of thing in South Korea with the 4B flavor of feminism. I'll discuss more about this story in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor MetVPN:

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Jaygo 8 months ago

He took her back, And paid for her legal team He's a simp. He got what he deserves

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 8 months ago

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Absolutely disgusting topic!
Don't be like that weak Brazilian male!
If she is acting crazy, then I would get rid of her BEFORE she starts "piecemealing" me down the toilet.

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 8 months ago

I don't care how hot her niece is, Crazy is GONE!

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Hack off her head with a hatchet?


Cut out her cunt with a Cutlass?

I vote use the Cutlass - It's only fair.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

I hope that niece is keeping his bed warm...

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

And he gets to try out his robo-dick before the bat crazy bitch gets out... on her niece... Yeah, let's her her say "Deeper, Go Depper," now... bitch.

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