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Woman Decides To Breakup With Her Boyfriend, Then INSTANTLY Regrets It…

Published on 05 May 2022 / In Entertainment
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SteveOUK 2 years ago

"We broke up because I wasn't sure I wanted to be married with him." That one sentence says it all: "we" broke up, but she made the decision.

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sorearm 2 years ago

The narcissism is off the scale

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 years ago

When I was in my 20s I had a girlfriend I was living with and she dumped me as a shit test, expecting me to beg her not to leave me, this was about 6 months after we started living together. My rule, and I told her this from date 1, is that when it's over it's over, there can be no going back, so if you dump me, mean it.

She was begging me to take her back for decades, sometimes crying hysterically years after and telling me I was the best thing she'd ever had in her life, and I just stoic said "You know that can't happen."

If she's playing games like that in a relationship and I'd have played along, I know she would have seen that as weakness, that I would put up with a lot, and that would have carried over into marriage. She was young, 18 at that time, but needed to understand the moment she had started dating (which was way before me) that relationships are not a game.

Any woman willing to test you is a woman that doesn't respect you or your relationship. My situation was about 20 years ago, well before social media, hook up apps, and pretty much everything awful about women became normalized. If any standard is a high standard, she belongs to the streets.

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RodrickSage 2 years ago

Darius, i no longer care for female love problems, they made there made, let them lay in it, let them have cats, il have my doll, if woman low tier woman, think, they are better then averages guys, its there fault they single.

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GenerationLESS 2 years ago

Her ex was great, but she was not. Lucky him.

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