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KARMA - Doggk

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Published on 08 May 2020 / In Comedy

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The_One_G3R 5 years ago

WTF? why is she brave?`for destroying someone property because he asked her a question? just imagine her being a guy and he ripped the mirror off, the guy with the cam would just say crazy guy overreacted.... Crazy times we live in where crazy and stupid is called "brave" and not despised instead sided with....

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Doggk 5 years ago

Put yourself in the place of women.. It's not easy believe me.. Many women get daily sexually harassed.. So if it happens too much, this is the kind of reaction you'll have... We canot always understand this because we men..

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The_One_G3R 5 years ago

@Doggk: right i can not put myself in the place of a woman in the western world every men gets prosecuted for less evil shit, i have a buddy going to jail for swearing at a cop (and not even directly, just sayin all cops are bastards in the air and cops walked by) PS Germany..... on the other hand i saw many many woman get tru with way more evil shit with no charges applied....... So yeah i would feel very free being a woman form a legal point of few and personally....

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Doggk 5 years ago

@The_One_G3R: Yeah ok but look I'm not to saying women suffer more than men or men suffer more than women... I know majority of people here hate women to a point they lost common sense.. I know women get away with a lot of things.. I disgusting yeah..But it doesn't change the fact that they are way more sexually harassed than men... People can hate me after that comment I don't give a fuck...

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The_One_G3R 5 years ago

@Doggk: more woman get sexually harassed, which is in its core harmless... and does not bear any allowance or approval for the shitty behavior seen in the video......WAY more Men get rapped by woman and man alike and that are the offical numbers Just sayin....

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Doggk 5 years ago

@The_One_G3R: How many dick pics do you get in 1 year in your inbox ? How many dick pics do a woman get in her inbox in 1 year ?? Statistic aren't tangible enough because you can trust numbers at 100 %.. Do you have a sister ? Do you have a mother ? Female friends ? Ask them how many times men ask their numbers in the street in 1 year.. Compare it now to how much females came to you, to ask your number in 1 year... Do statistics talk about this ? Nope..

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Doggk 5 years ago

@The_One_G3R: Well you are deaf.. The man in that car harassed her ! And we all saw it !! If she answers back she and we all know it won't change anything.. But by destroying the car, she teached him a lesson directly !.. The guy is a retard bully it's undeniable.. So how do you teach a retard bully to stop his bullshit ??? Have you ever tried to bring back reason to a retard bully ?? How many times have you succeed in convincing a retard bully that he should stop that kind of attitude?? These fuckers never listen.. Only time I succeeded was by beating the shit out of that motherfucker... Next day stupido comes to you to appologize... So she did the right thing, and I proudly give her credit for this even if it's kinda exagerated... Some times you have no choice ! that's how life goes..

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

both parties are wrong, 2 wrongs don't make a right, those men are low IQ idiot and shes just in the british education system. basically feminism 101 no matter what you do nowadays. i respected that biker ill he but that blue pill message up. I almost fell out my chair when that popped up. we dont need your approval and guidance on what to think! Maybe a divorce or two will change his mind

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mrghoster 5 years ago

So fucking Dumb the Biatch cycled the wrong way up a one way street, BUTT I guess being an IT she is Entitled too! lol!

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mrghoster 5 years ago

Thats it girl yank on that Mirror like a feminist Lesbian DILDO! lol! Hard work wasn't it knowing how "IT's" are averse to Hard work that was quite an achievement! lol! that was criminal damage, but IT would get off with offering a bent copper a sympathy fuck in the cells! lol!

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mrghoster 5 years ago

The van Driver is a MAN so as soon as I saw the mirror come off I had an idea how to fix it before it hit the ground! lol!mind you biatch certainly struggled to remove that mirror, REAL Girl POWER. REAL Girl POWER would be having the brains and lack of emnotional explosion's to back off? That would be POWER, that's why MGTOW is growing because MEN are not wasting their time anymore and walking away from irrationality namely women Or should I say "IT's"!

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