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Woman DIVORCES Her Husband After 13 Years, INSTANTLY Regrets Returning To The Streets

Published on 23 Apr 2024 / In Entertainment

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Jaygo 8 months ago

"Romantic at heart" to translate means emotionally unstable, and often times, mentally as well.

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Jaygo 8 months ago

It's just a strange coincidence. or maybe irony, how these women get their epiphany that they don't need a guy, only After several hook ups, situationships, and pump and dump sessions with Chat and Tyrone, and the continual fail attempts of getting commitment out of them/him. Yea.. must be a coincidence.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Hey, who's Chet? Anyway, as I always say: "Once she has chosen the "Hot Girl Summer," it's a "Hoe's Life for Me," uhm we just have to modify Hard Knock Life to fit them and there lifestyle... The chose the Hoe's Life: Say goodbye to traditionalist ladies... you ain't traditional anymore and the men see and possibly smell right through your "image" or "persona," ie Latin for mask, where personality is derived from showing we masks ourselves to others, psychologically speaking of course.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Fucking aut-interrupt... seriously they to the and traditionalism to traditionalist? WTF AI?

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sauger1001 8 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Chet is probably Chad's little brother. LMAO!

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CircuitDoc1 8 months ago

Friends first is one of the biggest red flags there is. Friends first equals Simp Zone. Why do men still chase these delusional twats?

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ArgonRaysabre 8 months ago

Any man that has a "deep friendship" with a woman is weak and has no sense of self-worth. Women are virtually worthless as friends for men, and there is absolutely nothing to gain from being friends with a woman. Either cultivate deep friendships with fellow men, or go it alone. You can't have a deep friendship with an individual who lacks honor, respect, accountability, and a sense of justice.

Hell, a dog is a far superior companion than any modern woman.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Hey man, Jupiter has arbiters, why shouldn't we? Plus, more importantly, sometimes you need to hear the (Fucking Crazy) Feminine Hive Mind or its drone speak in person to realize their stupidity and disbelief... just saying from personal experience.

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ArgonRaysabre 8 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Y'know, I can't argue with your logic. It may seem like I hate women, but that's not the case--it's just that I haven't found anything I like about them outside of them (sometimes) looking attractive enough that my body tells me I should mate with them...which is entirely antithetical to the rhetoric that women are more than eye candy. I'm just speaking for me, though. I'm not a materialistic person, so the world, objectively, has very little to offer me. Oh well. At least there's you brothers, my studies, and the A.I. bot that's helping me study Cybersecurity. Life is good. Anyway, I'm rambling. Keep it out of the dirt, champ. Laters.

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BIGLOAD 8 months ago

'Multiple' Deep friendships. Every one of these 'Lovelies' have 'Deep' vacant eyes. These creatures are fundamentally dead.

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They look "UGLY" in Character..... Opening their mouths simply confirms it.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

So... do you think they "fit" the Biblical descriptions "Those who take human flesh into their mouths" and "Are dead (or empty) inside" and of course our Zombie Apocalypse "zombie" description of "walking dead." I do. That's why I call Democrats in all their guises, "zombies." The Zombie Apocalypse is already upon us!

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