Woman given tough sentence for false accusation what a slap on the hands...
Published on 16 May 2021 / In
Film & Animation
A judge throws the book at a woman for claiming she was raped by her ex-boyfriend
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Two types of women to avoid.
1. Women you don't know.
2. Women you do know.
No one want to get it on with that fat ugly piece of shit, I mean strong independent bitch.
She got a "Pussy Pass" probation, im sure they cut that time in half.
I will Never Believe all women ... Period
They lie. It's the default setting. It's why they eventually all go bat shit crazy, keeping the lies in order, juggling them around, falling under their spell and believing them...
Not mentally equipped for adult reality.
Nice opening there, Sloshy, time for the 'Gotta be 5pm somewhere' News.