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Woman Has MELTDOWN Over Friend Zoned Man

Published on 27 Jun 2024 / In Entertainment
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sauger1001 3 days ago

10:00. Drizzle Drizzle.

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Stalwart 4 days ago

It just seems so wonderful as men walk away in response to the ridiculousness. There's such a better life out there for us. I don't know how things will go for society. If it wants to survive, it better sort itself out quickly, but partly I don't care, because it is what it is. Quality or nothing, and there's just no credible quality in these women. It's interesting that in religion, God is usually male and alone. There tends not to be a female counterpart. It makes me wonder: What is the most evolved state. I think of Christ saying that people neither marry nor are given in marriage in heaven, and that it's better for a man to not marry. Very interesting. I'm so glad to see men starting to wake up. I hope they continue to do so with a vengence.

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sauger1001 4 days ago

1:46. 40-50yrs ago my parents got divorced, so...

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GenerationLESS 4 days ago

Same here.

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Lucifer333 3 days ago

sad to hear, my parents got divorced too, both very dysfunctional pieces of shit, never spoke to them after I left the house for uni, (paid for by the state since I passed state entrance exam) and I felt

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Lucifer333 3 days ago

never so good,.., I cant stand these shit dysfunctional people, superficial, stupid, I HOPE THEY ALL ROT IN HELL.

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