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Woman makes anti-Semitic claim “Early Knights Templar families were Jewish”

Published on 22 Jun 2024 / In News & Politics
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WMHarrison94 6 days ago

What's his name who wrote the Hooked X and is the guy behind the American Geology series... no Unearthing America is the title: He traced the Knights Templar down the St. Lawrence River into the American heartland. Some of the Knights Templar became the Carribbean Pirates...

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RafidaMgtow 5 days ago

“America Unearthed” Scott Wolter I believe. he was on Leak Project at least twice years ago.

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WMHarrison94 5 days ago

@RafidaMgtow: I know some Knights Templar became the Knights of Malta: They alone are the reason the Turks or Ottomans did not conquer Europe past Spain: the Roman Christiandom should have saintified them. Some others went I to Switzerland and later created the Swiss Banking. They are the "white knights" fighting dark Knights, ie Lucas' vision for the Jedi. They were "white" because of the tunic they wore over their dark armor. Some fled to the Carribbean Sea to become pirates: I believe the Knights Templar's fleet became pirates with the Jolly Roger's, the crossbones and "skull" of Christ, ie the Shroud and er the other cloth that laid upon Christ's face... the blood was burned into the cloth. Shroud of Turin. It was one of the things they were on trial for worshipping a skull, but is was the Shroud. The Shroud was "found" by French Clairemont, a Dynasty with ties to the Templars much like Rosalyn chapel (Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code) in Scottland I believe... that's where Some of the Knights went and they followed old Viking maps of Newfoundland and Vinland, ie Nova Scotia in Canada now.

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RafidaMgtow 3 days ago

@RafidaMgtow: Yes the Knights Templar control all the world governments, the figure heads we see are all in these secret societies. Switzerland is their capital. "neutral" country. and they run the Vatican with the Swiss guard. but hearing that early Knights Templar were Jewish makes sense for the obsession with the Holy Land.

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WMHarrison94 3 days ago

@RafidaMgtow: The Jews k ew where the treasures were: Well, some of them. In the 80s, there was a faithful Biblical Explorer or archeologists, likely "amateur" because the Cathedral did not support him, who prayed to God El of Israel to let him look upon the Ark of Covenant before he died. God El answered him but said he could not expose or publish it. So, he sees the Ark and the Angel protecting it in caverns and tunnels under the Skull mountain, ie Mount Calvary I believe, where Christ was crucified as The ((Last) Lamb of God El. Funny, how their God El comes done, Cosplays with them, tries to lead them to Enlightenment, and they kill him. WTF man? Even Saul turned Paul talks about this: When he started the Holy Spirit healed the Jews, but us fucking White People did not need such miracles... so He performed less through Paul. The Romans tried to try his as a wizard... anyway, back on topic. The Explorer found some dark fluid thinking it was oil:So, he grabs a sample. Later, we learn rather he learned that it was the Blood of Christ... power to heal maybe drinking the Blood of Christ... reminds me of the Death Cult Roman Catholic Church... The Blood only had maternal markers: There were no paternal markers at all. All I want to do is see the sample's test results or readout and maybe see it. I bet the Cathedral is hard at work trying to replicate it even over thirty years later... God El has a plan: I pray I too am part of it.

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WMHarrison94 6 days ago

Rex! Isn't he oh Leak Project... I lost track when YT banned me. I was thinking A Time for Uprising. I watched both. I learned about Book of Enoch and the AlphaBet of Ben Suri from Rex...

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RafidaMgtow 5 days ago

Yeah I learned a lot from watching “Leak Project” over 7 years. Rex recently deleted over 4k videos from his YT channel. Sad I had so much I wanted to rewatch.

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