Woman Outraged Over Having Baby Boy. Thanks Feminism
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Yes - the Femitards, who claim the rape issue..... It may have been a mere fuck or two, she didn't like for instance.
It could be real, or it could also be attention getting lies on the anti-man spectrum...
There are a LOT of women who make shit up just to be a part of the "victim incrowd".
In terms of "rape" - there is a huge difference between a shitty non consensual fuck, and a fuck that involves getting cut up with a knife and shot and left naked in the woods to die.
And if rape of the general variety is so bad, how come these crazies don't apply the same measure to murdering their own children by abortion?
AND there is a) What other people have done to her, and b) what she has done with it.
Is the feminist dyke making up stories? Is she lying? The ratio of ingratitude, and being a drama queen and an outright cunt about the whole issue, tends to remove any credibility she has about any other issues.....
Lets not forget, that many woman are just head cases.....
This is truly sickening. Parents cannot dictate every aspect of parenthood. There are points beyond our control. If you cannot accept that, you should not become a parent. Furthermore, what this couple has vocalized extends beyond mere preference of sex, but a detesting of the other. This child may potentially be in danger because one parent is exhibiting symptoms of mental illness
That's if these two whack jobs don't force sex transition on to him, these kind of whamyn don't deserve a child of either sex.
Doubt she was "assaulted" at all.
Either way, that kid is fucked. Hope they give it up for adoption. Abortion might be a better fate for this kid.
It's always the most retarded shit that comes from a feminist, oh it feels like rape by having a baby boy in my body growing in my body.
Always the most fucked up retarded shit, these people don't deserve to have children.