Redpill asylum vol 2 - RedKnight
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Haaaaaa Haaaaaa Haaaaa - Fuck Her and Everything She Ever Stood For.
It's easy to get tired of their bullshit.
These retarded women are like stupid fucking people in SALES who give you everything except a straight answer.
Confront them with the questions.
"You either have it in stock, or you don't. Do you have it in stock, or if you don't have it in stock, can you get it in, and if so when is it likely to arrive, or don't you stock it and you won't be or can't get it in?"
Same with women - either shit or get off the pot.
AND if they are NOT voluntarily putting in the effort - your kind of an idiot - putting another idiot on the spot.
Better to state the case - to put the responsibility for her crap back onto her, and then move on.
If she is not putting in any effort and is not following through - if she is like that at the start, she is going to be like that at the end....
We need to change from "What we want is what we are hoping for", to "What you see is what you get".
LOL, chick at 17 min looks like a black version of Janice from the Muppet Band
I think it was Joker where I heard that marriages with a virgin woman have a 4% divorce rate. Add just one sexual 'partner', and that number jumps to 20%. So just imagine the math with 97% of Western(ized) females today. Save you time, resources & energy (and emotional life).