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Red Pills 11 - RedKnight

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Woman SHOCKED Men dont care! XD

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Published on 14 Jul 2023 / In People & Blogs

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SteveOUK 2 years ago

4:00 - this chick's bitching at men for avoiding rejection while complaining that she's rejected. The lack of self-awareness is strong.

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bigintol03 2 years ago

What women don't seem to grasp is that men don't give a fuck anymore because of WOMEN!!! And their lousy fucking attitudes!!!

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This chick is so flat chested, all the kids in school used her tits as a yoga mat....

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Dude (LivingA Life Of Abundance) is crushing it on (((SueTube))). Thank you for bringing some of his work here.

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RedKnight 2 years ago

thanks, im taking a BIG break spamming you guys with stuff lol, im getting my personal life in order. to be honest its much needed, im doing way better. i can only upload 5 vids a day and non can be featured cause im free uploader, so i chose very carefully what i upload but yea hes worth it :D

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

actually, time does not equal power, W/T=P, work over time equals power. That's an actual physics equation, one of the most basic and rudimentary.

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Unless your going forwards in space and backwards in time.....

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I am not going to take the piss out of you, but there are so few people I can engage with, on these topics... Have you seen this? The Evolution of Time (Director's Cut) ?

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: no, I have not seen that, but I'll make a point of watching it. 3 hours is a lot lately, but it looks great. thanks

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@TripeSwing: The guy who made it - really knows his physics and it gets sort of simply laid out - but time issues really fuck with my head..... Like Geosynchronous Satellites, because they are MOVING so fast through SPACE, are actually travelling SLOWER through time.... so they have all sorts of time dialation / atomic clock correcting things going on - to synchronise the satellites clock with the earths clock... True.. Just making this number up... to illustrate a point rather than go get all the details and make it truly correct ---- Lets assue that because a satellite it travelling through TIME and space, at a different speed to use, so that it every 3 months it's behind us, in time, by about 0.00000003 of a second... OK the GPS from your phone / unit goes from you, to the satellite and then back down to you, at the speed of light (this shit is SO clever) and that small amount of time drift, in the GPS, shows your location to be 120 Km West of where you really are... And what does my head in, is how in the fuck can you and the satellite be in TWO dfferent times... and yet still actively communicate? There are things just do my head in...

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