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Published on 29 Jul 2021 / In Non-profits & Activism

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sauger1001 4 years ago

I may not be pro sodomite, but I'm not going out stabbing people that promote it. All I ask is you don't (figuratively or literally) throw that abomination (God's word, not mine) in my face.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

This is a Government FEAR video, they do this from time to time. "Charlie Hebdo" is a French thing anyway's? This is one of those video's made in poor quality and lot's of movement from the "Stars" of our performance, but nothing is really happening? Where was this women supposedly Stabbed? she had blood running down her face? Fuck off this is Scar Mongering by Government, or jusat another normal day in London! lol!

I expect the Moron that stabbed her if this was really? was dyslexic and thought it was a "!Charlie Brown" or "Charlie Sheen" T-Shirt! lol!

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Doggk 4 years ago

The woman is supposed to be a Christian preacher wearing a Tshirt which promotes homosexuality and she wonders why she got mugged..

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KEEPER 4 years ago

no idea who charlie hebdo is. but that cartoon is understandable why she got this happening to her.
also did his knife go through her eye? i was confused by this because i thought prior to seeing the video fully that she was stabbed in the neck or something.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

charlie hebdo WAS an illustrator that infuriated muslims by drawing a illustration of Mohammed (prophet, according to adherents of the, 'religion of peace'). I am irrelegious and Atheist, in part because of people killing others in the name of their respective god, the gods conspicuously (and predictably) being MIA to halt murder. Just an observation. /sarcasm

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Doggk 4 years ago

@anonmachina: There's a difference between the words of Gof and how humans interpret it..

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@Doggk: I posit there is belief, and then, there are words written by individuals...words which reveal biases and facets of the personality of the writer(s).

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MaxPayne 4 years ago

Few dudes went up to the baguette office that printed it and shot up A bunch Journos. Plot twist. And as a bonus the names of those dead look like Tel Aviv phone book. Lmao. So jews were stirring up muzzie vs christkike goy shit again and it back fired

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anonmachina 4 years ago

I find this repulsing.

People have allowed themselves to become so ignorant, they do not even know how to properly stab (she is still breathing, conscious, and I do not see a new orifice of considerable size).

In my neighborhood, back in the late '90s, if you left the person in such pristine condition, someone in the area would likely stab you for exhibiting such disgrace in the art.

If you're going to do anything, practice and diligence makes perfect.

Joking. Sort of.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i assume it was kind of a gang thing, where they were meant to kill so they couldn't be caught, but i think this was pretty stupid with everyone having a camera in their pocket and large crowds involved. like ppl started chasing him because they knew he did it. fucking stupid moron lol.

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