Woman who is almost 40 thinks she is going to be fine forever.
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She can think she is hot shit, but men still are not going to put a ring on it.
Between the family courts, Big Daddy government entitlement programs, ridiculously high standards for men while they have no standards, way too
much time on the CC , and personal debt (e.g. college loans), ergo 90% of women have basically priced themselves out of the dating and
marriage market as far as good /intelligent men are concerned. Enjoy the cats and boxed wine ladies.
She be fit but I'm still not interested. Saving my money for me!
People who will be 'fine', don't need to convince people that they will be 'fine'.
What ALWAYS gets me about these tjhot's flashing their Narcissism off on camera, IS that at one point DIDN'T they want MEN NOT to OBJECTIFY them? Yet here we see it over and over again as they do this little SALES PITCH, like they are Slaves i9n a Slave Market in Rome or something? LOL! The main difference is the Slave women could at least be able to cook or make you a sandwich! lol! Seeing this relentless THOTery is like looking at the sparkly box that you expect to find a great gift in, only to find the box is EMPTY! lol! Or a FART BOX that when you op[en it you just get repulsive noises! Woemn got everything they wanted even government approval to reject MEN, because they said we were Sexist and used women, and OBJECTIFIED them? And here they are OBJECTIFYING themselves and wonder ing why MEN are no longer interested? Women are FUCKING hypocrite's and they have bought it all on themselves. MEN are NOT responsible for women, they are "Independent" now, and they don't NEED a MAN,.....................Until they need a MAN that is and the pickings for them these day's are poor, like simp's and Beta's. whereas the REAL MEN are now the MEN with rational, innovation and logic. The big Muscles and big dick and the wealth thing is actually dead but women still delude themselves that they will find this fictional being. BUT the MEN using their intelligence can have all the things women want without needing a women?
I love being ALONE. My money and time and peace of mind are my own. I went to a vintage BUS RALLY yesterday on my new Motorcycle bought with money that otherwise would be wasted on a fefail!. It was a glorious day, the Run Day was some distance away in another county, so Not only did I get to see vintage vehicles, I enjoyed a nice easy long ride to get their? Howe can any women compete with that/ Certainly NOT in my world I promise you that! lol!