Womans entitelment (19)

Published on 21 Jul 2020 / In Film & Animation

In this video we will talk about womens Enititelment and how nothing is good enough for them
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wildcat4mation 5 years ago

So today takes the cake. I am printing out my stuff on a printer and then I come across some weird evaluation sheet. My boss states that she will tell me in a minute. I end up getting to my task, located next to HER and find out that one of my coworkers, a male like myself, is going to be fired. O_O. Since I have a decent relationship with her, I ask. I am really all for ethics and so I always feel like throwing bits of tidbits her way to see if she will give another chance, etc. So supposedly, we had hired a new gal recently and over the course of a few weeks, he was joking around with her while training. Well, you know what happens...she tells me that THIS is why she was firing him because she did not want to make the NEW coworker feel uncomfortable. WTF?! O_o I asked her if he could appeal it in some way and because she stated she, herself, did not have proof, only what the new gal told her. Nope. He is fired because "we need to keep the workplace safe and comfortable" Oh and also, the HR department of my employer is also a woman.


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StandUpMen 5 years ago

never ever get involved with women at work

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wildcat4mation 5 years ago

@StandUpMen: Yeah, I am just going to go, do my work, not say anything and come home. Little bit less interaction from me.

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StandUpMen 5 years ago

@wildcat4mation: - i have a friend that i warned him took my advice a woman cracked on someone ewlse and latter got him fired there you go

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wildcat4mation 5 years ago

@StandUpMen: Yeah, there is no way to win. I'm fucked.

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StandUpMen 5 years ago

@wildcat4mation: best mind your own bussiness at work

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StandUpMen 5 years ago

@wildcat4mation: best mind your own bussiness at work

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