Need more like Elizabeth Bathory, deck the halls with red and thin the herd. The femon will do anything to satiate their lust for beauty and adulation. Give them nothing, let age consume the femon’s fertility and allure. Clown world in the new year has surprises for all.
@SoloMan Zone: Yes, that stench is prevalent wherever they congregate. Fumigation and protective clothing is highly recommended when encountering them in the wild.
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Let's pray that a nasty illness comes that only wipes out femon's! Not that I would even notice? I'm to dyed in the wool MGTOW Monk now.
Soloman - You missed a trick with the trailer picture, instead of U-HAUL it should say U-WHORE! lol!
Beers for me as well.
Need more like Elizabeth Bathory, deck the halls with red and thin the herd. The femon will do anything to satiate their lust for beauty and adulation. Give them nothing, let age consume the femon’s fertility and allure. Clown world in the new year has surprises for all.
Do you think Santa could have fathered so many children during his annual delivery trip?