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Women's Anger Overperception Bias | How Women Sabotage Friendships? |

Published on 24 Jan 2024 / In People & Blogs

It's commonly stated that women don't necessarily get along, but what is at the root of this? In this video I go over a study on what appears to be women's anger overperception bias.

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This is a little bit off topic - but I am NOT helping any woman, with anything ever again.

Krusty wants a MAN to come around and fix her Washin Barsheen!

Krusty Shits:
Does anyone know of someone who can fix a washing machine? Thanks in advance

Shane Hanson:
Yellow pages, online, Bumfuck Nowhere.

Krusty Shits:
Only lists JJ who has retired

Shane Hanson:
Ohhh that is who I was thinking of..... and it was a few years ago since I have seen him...

Shane Hanson:
Unplug it, spin it around and pull the back off an have a look.

Welcome to the world of MEN, as the world of the entitled, ineffectual, and useless feminist collapses around you.

You will start having to figure things out, by engaging your brain, looking stuff up, reading manuals, contacting suppliers for parts, figuring out how to repair or replace things, OR remain stuck forever, while you keep replacing $500 washing machines when a $25 valve replacement and 10 minutes work with a screwdriver would have done it.

Shane Hanson:
AND as the supply of men dries up, the feminists and all the women who participated in this grand scam of petty nasty attitudes and actions, no fault divorce and ripping the guys off through the divorce courts and being spiteful with parental alienation, paternity fraud and false accusations - are going to find that they are truly on their own.

Krusty Shits:
Shane Hanson uh, slightly unnecessary. For your information I have pulled it apart. If you don’t have something helpful to say please move on

Shane Hanson:
It's relevant... because a) I am a MAN and b) I said it.....

And no I am not coming around to help you - you can freeze to death in that lonely old house, all by yourself.

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