Women's Empty Promises
What is it with women and making empty promises? Lets talk about it honestly.
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Women's Word:
Can Men Trust Women?
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I see you have an electric Guyitar on it's stand now instead of the Acoustic?
NEVER trust a women's words, they are EMPTY and ring HOLLOW like a great big BELL ( with a craxk init) a little vaginal pun there! lol! Prior to becoming a MGTOW, well before I ever heard of MGTOW I was onto women and their lies. every one I ever dated lied to me, with hindsight. This Gynocentric bases world culture of the Matriarchy show this very thing in a bigger picture. since women got all the goodies and the entitlement and favors our world has slowly started to evaporate. women moan about being used by MEN yet they are used more by Government than MEN in general, especially as Government becomes more Fefail and Gynocentric. It is the MAN who is becoming free if he chooses to? MEN has always been the truly OPPRESSED gender. Now women have what MEN had they are experiencing what MEN went through. They don't cope well with this so the lie and lie until the truth globally doesn't exist.