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Women's Words Are Like Vomit & Verbal Diarrhea - MGTOW

Published on 29 Oct 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat and her text was primarily word vomit and I had to clean them best I could. She sent me her comments and questions the first time and I couldn't do anything with them. This is the second time she sent me a topic which I rejected the first one outright because I didn't know what she was talking about and it's still confusing and I needed to try and interpret things. Here's what I think she has to say: "Hi Sandman, As you already know and your audience may not I was in a horrible accident where I fell off a bike and my head shattered like humpty dumpty on the curve and my brains were visible like Ray Liota's in the film Hannibal. I spent a long time in the hospital being put back together again. After going home I asked my siblings why they never came to viset me there and an argument ensued. I couldn't remember that they were there and that freaked out my parents who wanted to check on the longterm effects of having your head cracked open like an egg at breakfast. All the brain-scans and checks made me realize how frightfully little we know about the workings of human brain, the conscious subconscious minds. My mother had many arguments with doctors about my changed personality and the doctors kept going on about that it was completely normal given the physical and mental trauma I experienced. Non of this has been good for my emotional state. The lack of memory of my trauma confuses my consciousness every time and my subconscious freezes like scardey-cat. After the accident my lack of energy and concentration make it hard for me to focus and use my conscious mind. Thankfully there is a back-up system that doesn't need the conscious mind. The problems is that the system does not care for what my conscious mind wants or what anyone else does for that matter. Besides freezing in fear unlike you my body is not cable of flight. So fight is mostly the only option. Because of this I have a problem restraining myself when threatened. The last time I got physical with my sister I send her flying into a wall, despite holding back. I don't care if I looked like I was being mean when I locked her out of the house. I was more concerned with what would have happen if I did not. This also why I refuse to physical discipline my son. Sparing the rod spoils the child is not an excuses to be abusive. The boy does understand that actions have consequences-es and behaves himself quite well. This strange back up system in my brain does not scare me, I've come to rely on it." Well fat cat thanks for the donation and topic. Sounds to me like you have the perfect plausible deniability. You have the perfect excuse for your abusive and violent behavior towards your sister. You can say it wasn't my fault I threw her, a fully grown woman into a wall ocifer, you see my traumatic brain injury made me a bitch. Obviously I'm exagerating just a wee bit but you get the message. I'm just going to say that talking to you from time to time I would get the feeling that you were holding back your anger and fury. So if you can practice self control with me then odds are you could do the same with your sister. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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csehszlovakze 1 year ago


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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

or the goverment-- er I mean guberment.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Sandman, sounds like Ms. FatCat is attractive to you and wants to smell your pheromones. After women breakup with boyfriends or divorce their husbands, it is not uncommon for them to hold onto a unlaundered Tee shirt just to smell them. Men's pheromones calm women down and regulate her periods better while women's pheromones (or vaginal smells with repreated exposure) lowers men's blood pressures and calms them too-- if fucking.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Perhaps she either looks at you like the "big brother" she never had, or the side dude she WANTS to have. Lol!

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Never_Again 1 year ago

I dunno why but somethings I post on FB [gifs] just don't show up even after re-doing 'em. ? such as;

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