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Women & The Coronavirus LOL - MGTOW

402 vistas
Publicado en 07 Mar 2020 / En Personas y blogs

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- https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCfniYT9wJHMlonj6d

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mackenzie on Patreon. He didn't send me a specific topic so I want to discuss how I believe women are going to respond to the Coronavirus differently than men and how it's going to effect them differently. But before I do first off I need to share with everyone that YouTube gave my channel a strike on the 27th of February. Luckily I upload videos on my channel a few weeks in advance and had enough of them there to release to you guys so that you wouldn't even notice the difference and my six plus year streak of releasing a video everyday for the last six years and one month still stands. The strike was for something really stupid. I had promoted the Doll-house before and had accidentally forgot to remove a link to their website and YouTube's automated bot striked me. Now I have to wait ninety days for it to expire. I was planning on releasing this video a week ago because what's in it might save your life but it's delayed. Oh well. So with that out of the way and before I tell you all about women and the coronavirus let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Unless you've been living under a rock for the last two or three weeks you've been paying attention to what's been going down in with crash stock markets or 750 million people or 10% of the world's population in quarantine lock down. We are in the midst of a pandemic and it's quite possible the store shelves in your area will be bare by now or in the next few weeks. What? Empty store shelves? Nothing is more terrifying to a woman. If it gets bad enough you might find two random women in the street and pull a box of tampons out of your trench coat, throw the tampons between both of them and watch them fight to the death for a box to help them bleed. Pull out your phone and make yourself an awesome video and put it on YouTube and make some cash. But all kidding aside first off women have it better off when it comes to this virus. For every five men that get it only three women do. I found one article that explains why this is and here's a quote from it so you understand why more men are going to die from this and I quote: "Females are prone to autoimmune diseases, which causes parts of their immune system to become stronger to compensate, resulting in a possible stronger response to the coronavirus. Stanley Perlman, an immunologist at the University of Iowa and his colleagues suggested that hormones, including Estrogen, could be a possible defense against the virus. Perlman studied how SARS -- a disease often compared with coronavirus -- impacts male and female mice. He concluded that male mice were affected in greater number, while adding that his study was consistent across coronaviruses as well." Unquote. So does this mean that all the manly men are about to coof coof themselves to death and that the soy boy simps will inherit the earth? Well if estrogen protects you then the last laugh might be had by all the men with soy smiles and soy face. What I also found interesting is that because women are more likey to have autoimmune disorders their immune systems are over active.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credits

4 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

1. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-178236814/stoc

2. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-298914703/stoc

3. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-259340863/stoc

4. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-301390813/stoc

5. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-269762521/stoc

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MoonBase 5 años hace

My grandma already caved. Even with a cold (not corona, b/c my aunt got sick and recovered), she went to church yesterday, and prepared a bunch of food for a party today. My aunt encouraged her and called my uncle "controlling". This is why women never built nor were responsible for maintaining society.

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Bl4ckStall1on 5 años hace

Never stop pls lol

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Left 5 años hace

Love you man keep the good fight going.

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Funny how some sort of new virus suddenly comes during selection times between the psychopathic zero value douchebags and turds. When the collapse happens, we the people of existence must solemnly vow to never have governments ever again because freedom and human rights always progresses and never holds back anything for anyone.

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tekrat 5 años hace

testosterone is said to lower the immune system which why men tend to get athletes foot and other fungal infections that women don't.

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