redpills pt 13 - TheRedKnight

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Women Are Demanding Men Don`t Blame Them For Feminism | MANOSPHERE

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Published on 24 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation

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remarksman 12 months ago

One law in the nations of Bitchdom for females, and a very different law for males.

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 12 months ago

[No Vote]
- Avatar Screen is blocking text. Move The Red Knight avatar screen from the bottom left to the bottom right of the screen to improve legibility.
+ Use of expanded meaning during text read. Supplanting "doxxing" with "home address disclosure" is a nice touch. Although it does disrupt your reading rhythm.

Suggestion: Calm oneself down when reading out loud by taking a deep breath, in and out, with mouth pointed away from the microphone. Remind oneself that reading is not a race, there is no prize for finishing out of breath.

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Drums_McBashington 12 months ago

Accountability is one of those words that females have learned to say, but not what it means. Couldn't pick it out of a line up, if it robbed her in broad daylight. They won't get it until it comes packaged in a 6'11" superstud driving a solid gold mansion.

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usr6874038614 12 months ago

It's the feels : accountability is scary because getting blamed feels bad.

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usr6874038614 12 months ago

If you still don't realize that utube is an instrument for the woke left, you've slept under a rock for 2 decades. Good morning...

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Sniper is a stupid cunt.

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