the people who are legit disabled won't be getting their EBT or government assistance taken, it's the lazy men and women who are able bodied who either lied about their status or were given this assistance simply because they had kids and given welfare because of a shitty system that was set up in the government decades ago that should have never existed in the first fucking place.
Yes and every streamer is suddenly "disabled." As well as women all being disabled. Which they are. Mentally and inferior physically. How about no Gov and freeloaders get nothing in the first place? Such as his princess who received a free clothing business from daddy. Or Jews in Israel getting all the free welfare instead because he's Jewish. Is he going on a diet also? At least his whore wife and daughter aren't typical fat Americans I guess. Though I suspect the alien Sectoid cosplay wife thing may be a trans job because she used to be male at one time. All these ruling class beta males who wear women's clothes and shoulderpads are homo-deviants after all. Men should wear flannel and jeans, not designer suits. That's how you know if someone is a productive adult or a spoiled child who lives on corporate welfare. Also now retail theft will skyrocket and local law will not punish females. None of this matters because entitled humans will always find a way to remain parasites upon each other. Is he going to eliminate the whole online grifting part of the economy and ad sponsors? That's killing the economy just as much as welfare because it is all welfare.
@Toki: retail theft was already happening with the black community during this last decade straight, i think the women will prostitute themselves out on OF, the men will steal and get caught and sent to jail or prison depending on how bad the offense as they could end up killing people in the process, people are already seeing a lot of justice come back, but there are still elements within the government that were left in that will likely be weeded out or gutted out to start over with something non Marxist communist related, but all those systems will take time to gut like everything else that is currently being gutted.
one thing i have seen in modern people is they think changing everything is easy and it can be done instantly, and if it can't be done instantly they blame the person trying to fix things because in their eyes, it's not quick enough, well one thing you can say about both Trump and Elon is they aren't wasting time getting shit done like every other leader we have had as POTUS of this country who sat on the issues and made little to no change for the better of the country and only served to make things much worse up until the point of collapse, at least Trump and Elon are trying to fix it before it comes to the collapse scenario, and i do think they will eventually get there, it will just take some time, it's not magic, but they have been much quicker than previous administrations in all of history of this country.
but there are some things i do kind of worry about, they can be so effective and efficient that they could come after little things that people do where it gets to a point of a police state where the people are subject to the tyrant police who have been conditioned to enforce the laws with a iron fist that they go after normal people who just want to live their lives in peace and the law enforcement essentially become like machines following orders of a ruler who doesn't see empathy, that could happen under Elon through his robotics and AI tech, where he can use it as an oppressing force on the population, but it's probably too soon to judge if that will happen or not, it might not come from Elon at all, it might come from his children in another generation and it also might not come from Trump but the actions he makes now might effect how things will run in the future, yeah i know you view Trump and Elon as the bad guys, but it could be them or someone else in the future long passed them who enact such things on the people, and all i can say to this is time will tell what happens.
now i will be honest, Elon's robots are kind of shit, but that will be the future if it's Elon's robots or some other company, Boston Dynamics robots are far more advanced, however i suppose Elons have actual hands and fingers where others just have a stub o suction systems, i think the future will have many diffrent kinds of robots, but then they will create skynet and they will be terminators lol, i'm mostly kidding, but supposedly it can happen right?
@KEEPER: None of us even know these people. Why they care about us? If my parents, sister, and relatives end up homeless I'll believe he cut welfare. I won't end up like them because I do not waste money. I'm not a voter therefore I have never gotten any welfare. Including Trump's stimmy checks which was a welfare handout to buy the people's favor. There was something about him going for $5000 stimmy checks this time, but it seems that rumor didn't play out thankfully. Did Trump at least get a hot press secretary to replace the Cabbage Patch head?
@KEEPER: The robots are thankfully made in China or somewhere else for cheap. I find it amusing how America's power companies invested in replacing all street lights with new LED "efficient" bulbs. Which turn purple after 6 months. Requiring more bulbs, shipping, production. I expect Tesla and tech of all kinds today to be the same. Why they haven't culled us with the robot military yet. They can't get Americans to work and produce them.
@Toki: LED lights don't do that, they are using some other kind of light tech, LED's typically last more than 20 years if the conditions are good where they operate, as for the robots in China, i wouldn't say they are doing too well at the moment, i keep seeing tech news of their robots having issues that show they aren't going to make good products, sure they will be much cheaper, but they will be worse made in comparison to something like what Boston Dynamics have been creating for over the last 20 years, Tesla just started their robot optmus i think it's named, anyway it's kind of embarrassing because it took them 5 years to get that damn thing walking lol, but you would think they would collaborate with other tech company's to make a more superior designed robot, but i guess they want to keep it up with competition as who will dominate the future of robotics tech, then of course there is machine learning which uses AI to figure out complicated steps of how to improve on something, you would think one of these AI programs would figure out that using these damn lithium ion battery's in search for something better would be a worthy goal, but no they keep using the most shitty battery around for everything lol. but then again, they might just be focusing on other systems at the moment and that shit will come later. i mean Elon i was watching him on a podcast with Joe Rogan the other day and he explained if we have enough solar panels hooked up to enough battery's we could supply the entire nation with plenty of power, but to me that just creates way to much waste on those battery's that could be swapped out with the same idea but with something that produces far more power and has much higher power quantities that will last ten times as long, it just seems stupid to me to use straight up solar and battery's. it's just a dumb system, you should always have backups of other systems in the case the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow or that water doesn't flow, these green energy systems are fine, but they shouldn't be relied on completely, that just seems dumb as fuck to me.
@KEEPER: No the LED lights are shit. I've seen items with LED lights and they always break down quickly. My whole point is the USSA lazy country relies on the Chinese to produce everything for them. So of course it's all shit. Have you not seen purple lights everywhere? My local area is full of morons will believe anything and adopt new garbage tech because an ad told them to. Most people are unemployed or managers of sorts so no work gets done in America.
@Toki: nope, my city's lights stay bright and white and it's been like this for the last decade, they never have to replace them, also i have multiple LED lights i use at home for various purpose's that never go bad like what you describe and they keep their color and never seem to die, i have one that i leave on 24/7 365 days a year for the reasons of seeing how long it will last lol, and it's not lost it's color or died and it's been on for on for the last 5 years discounting when the power went out which is rare, but still. these other lights that you are seeing going purple are not LED's, maybe someone said they were but they were some other experimental light, but they aren't LED's if they lose their color like that, i have never seen any LED lose it's color, hell the very TV i use for my gaming and as my PC screen and leave on 24/7 365 days in a year for the last 15 that i have owned it still has not lost it's color and still works like it did when i purchased it, i thought it would have died by year 5 and it still works, and i'm not the kind of person who replaces things if they still work, i run that thing into the ground if i can so long as it keeps working. now i do agree with your other point as people keep supporting shitty products made by china, that shit might actually stop if these tariffs cause china to make their products too expensive for the American people to purge them out of the market.
that is actually Trumps plan, because the goal is to purge all other country's out of the market so that people in the states only purchase from the country, which is another part of the plan to bring back manufacturing to the country instead of always outsourcing with other country's, which is another reason why he's trying to get both Canada and Greenland to become apart of the USA, it's all resources and land and military ground control, the end result my assumption is in the case one of these country's starts a war that we will have the right provisions and resources to outlast that war and fully protect and become dominant in comparison to these other country's who might bring war against America in the future. not sure what his plans are for Mexico, maybe that's something that comes later in the plan, but if it were me, i would annex mexico and the attached country's beneath it for complete control over the nation and the nations around the country, no need for border walls at that point, because the only things to patrol at that point is the water around the country. anyway that's just my thoughts on that, i could be wrong but it makes a lot of sense to me.
yes EBT food stamps are still sold/traded for cash... black single women GET A TON OF FOOD STAMPS AND A SHIT TON OF MONEY FROM "Section 8" or "Wellfare".... white single women get less but still get a ton... THEY ARE ENCOURAGED TO HAVE 100 BABY DADDIES!!!!
yeah i remember TFM speaking about growing up in section 8 and i'm glad he didn't turn out like the rest of them, he's still kind of messed up in the head but he's at least not a moron like everyone else he grew up with in his family within the section 8 projects.
I can confirm my sister (white woman) chose an ex-felon to be the daddy of twins and one more son. She's been on welfare ever since and my female relatives in general are all lazy fat "democrats." Or divorced for profit. Female cousins almost all of them are divorced with starter husbands who got fucked over for cash and prizes. Grandma was respectable though. The WW2 generation.
i am disgusted... imagine these whores actually having to work when they are ABLE TO FUCKING WORK!!!! goddamnit!, i know this shit was/is going on still, IT ALWAYS PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!!!!
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the people who are legit disabled won't be getting their EBT or government assistance taken, it's the lazy men and women who are able bodied who either lied about their status or were given this assistance simply because they had kids and given welfare because of a shitty system that was set up in the government decades ago that should have never existed in the first fucking place.
What about his own harem such as the wife and daughter? Do they still get a free ride off the backs of true workers?
yes EBT food stamps are still sold/traded for cash...
black single women GET A TON OF FOOD STAMPS AND A SHIT TON OF MONEY FROM "Section 8" or "Wellfare".... white single women get less but still get a ton...
i am disgusted...
imagine these whores actually having to work when they are ABLE TO FUCKING WORK!!!!
goddamnit!, i know this shit was/is going on still, IT ALWAYS PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!!!!
Ha Ha!!! Get off your flabby asses and GET A JOB BITCHES!!!