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Women Are Geomaxxing Too - MGTOW

Published on 19 Apr 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

The Amerikanka - YouTube

1. Women are doing it too but we just aren't thinking about it. This video is about how not to fall pray to them.
2. Realized that women can geomaxx in Eastern Europe from watching the Belgrade Beat video.
3. Black woman in that video talking about hot Serbian men but then she put them down and said she would rather go for Blonde Croatian Men
4. If a black American woman can afford to move to Eastern Europe to swirl then others can too. She's swirling for Serbs.
5. Egypt experience. Thought he had lost his mind.
6. Desperate for a woman that he could speak to as an equal.
7. What many people don't realize is that when you come from a soyciety where women are submissive you yearn for the exotic bitch that tries to put you in your place. You enjoy the challenge. You don't realize it tires you out yet.
8. Spoke to the Owner of and he was telling me that even women in the Phillipines are starting to get picky. It's no longer an incelebration in the land of 5 foot nothing island dwarfism nation.
9. As feminism destroys traditional places they will lose that ability to Geomax.
10. What happens when countries in Eastern Europe become just as gynocentric.
11. The local women are going to see westernized women showing up and their men will find them more intriguing and so the local women might start mimicking the women from outside. So more attitude.
12. Black woman in her late twenties and early thirties can date much higher sexual marketplace men in Eastern Europe
13. Banging Croatian Chads and swirling with Serbs.
14. Interesting dating and mating strategy. skinny, smart,
15. Jewish husbands with Filipino nannies.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Yo WTF? Why did Sandman try to downplay the Dubai Porta-Potty phenomenon? No real pictures? You can find pics and videos that those rich Arabs post for proof. There are whole websites on the topic.

The fact that you kind of stood up for known whores is disappointing, to say the least. You try your best to hide it, but you are definitely a very weak genetic beta-male underneath. Yes the Arabs do that every day, and the White girls will do ANYTHING for some thousands of dollars. Do not try to hide that, Sandman. The truth is already widely known about the gutter-level quality of the oh-so-elite Western woman. Don't kid yourself, Cannuck.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Of course, for some of those waahmen it doesn't always end well, like the Swedish college girls back in either 2011 or '12, who were killed in Morocco by islamofascists.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

Thank you for bringing this up bro. The women were Norwegian but they both lost there heads, sucks for them but these western women are so stupid going over seas. Also remember Pippa bacca the hitchhiker that tried to go through the middle east and got raped and killed. Not to mention the hidden rape reports of women in the peace corps. These women may be deathmaxxing if they are not careful, hell even some men get killed due to being unaware. I dont understand why it is based to fly across the world to give your pussy to men for free haha.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I stand corrected. Thanks.

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Husqvarna 4 years ago

Poland, Ukraine & Serbia. LMAO if you think it's any different here, you're dead wrong. Maybe only in the villages, where they have limited access to the internet, but it's exactly the same as in the west.

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OniriumSage 4 years ago

1. finally, a more human pacing.
2, nice chat, youtube AI nazi-censors EVERYTHING , $$$ubscribe$tar with us. Got the $ituation. Maybe $hall 45 outa my 200 pen$ion.
Planet is 7.9 billion people, 80% of those are poor, 10% mili, or bili onnaires that don't need you. 9.5% of the rest, bluepills that don't know you exist
Percentually, yo and yo friends are just having a self-, or livingroom chat. Biiiig slice of polenta you have cut, indeed.
So, new strategy, or get Einsteined.The Point. Ye're not saving no-one, just maintaining an invisible niche.
That's a true "Cheers" stuff. I feel more cheerful already. The social lack of realism is endearing, indeed. But, hey, the show is nice.
And your message is honey to my butter. Separate the reproductive units. What did Lucy say in his last e-mail to you ? Or, are you just another info-prpoaga-mind-controlled-peon-pawn ? Does he e-mail to you ?

Now, the business:
Love's first effect is Respect. Respect generates a natural structure, or order. Love implies attachment, sacrifice of ego, protection and maintenance. Even fucking brainless pigeons know that mating for life, eating only what smells proper, and flocking in proper fashion means survival. So, please go on preaching extinction. I'm old and sick. Won't be here to see you go, as a species. But I truly regret how fucking stupid you all are. Go you Mouse In Hidden In Plain Sight Hole, Man Going Your Own Way, the last genetically sick, bottlenecked, infertile, human exemplars on earth, will sure worshippingly thank you for your extreme social cunning. Lucy's immortal. 100 or 2000 years mean nothing to him. He just wants you Fucked as a species. If it isn't Feminism, there's MGTOW, if it isnt migtau, there's hypergamy, politics, racism, age gap, social norms, taboos, leligious differences, borders, armies, nationalism, cultural values, musical currents, eugenics, medication, prejudice, I COULD LIST FOR A METER OF COMMENT, All, beautiful Human Cohesion Desroying (or preventing) LIES, that he spread in the human populace over millenia, to makes us week, disparated, alienated, turned on each other, NOT UNITED AND NOT CARING ABOUT U S , and, in the end, Final and Actual Goal, E X T I N C T, just so he can emotionally bruise YHWH.

And, you're helping him fuck us all, either intentionally, or as a simple info-indoctrination mind-controlled mindset-adherent Drone.


I'll buy you a Wonderful Human Being award badge from the grave, once there are no more humans. It'll make you smile. Skulls do that a lot, anyway.

Enter Sandman - Never let go of your dreams. Keep sleeping.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

Geomaxxing while stealing men's riches was considered cool...

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