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Women Are Lazy Lovers! No BJs For You! - MGTOW

Published on 01 May 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Chris Whalen CPA

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Joe and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I have a topic that would be nice to cover in one of your youtube videos. Maybe that one was already covered and answered 1000 times in a red pill forum, but I have a few points that I encountered recently and that I encounter in general from time to time when dating women: When I meet a woman and we have sex for the first time, she goes to extreme lengths. She cooks for me, makes me gifts, shaves fresh every time and always makes me feel good, she also has over the top orgasms and we have sex all the time and she gives me bjs regularly. However, after a few months it flattens out extremely. We have less sex, the orgasms become less, she is not always super duper prepared when I visit her, she babbles to me more and more with her nonsense. This is my experience with every woman and my friends tell me the same. What I find curious though are the following things: 1. I don't change my behaviour towards her. I answer her messages normally, but not around the clock (just when I have time). If she gets on my nerves, I straighten her out. I spend almost no money on her and make fun of her or other women in her presence and tell her regularly that I don't want a relationship. Of course, on the one hand, this increases her desire towards me, since she wants to conquer me, but on the other hand, she makes less and less effort herself. 2. Women start with odd topics after a time, so that they constantly mention men in conversations and affirm how pretty they find them. They also start talking about sex toys and role-playing games and that they had the opportunity for such things in the past, including threesomes, but did not take advantage of it. What should I do with this information? 3. Sometimes they ask me if I am gay. But I don't talk like a gay man. I don't dress like one, I make jokes about gays and after all I still have sex with her regularly. Is it because I am not her blue-pilled white knight who reads every wish from her lips and makes romantic gestures? Anyway, that is a lot to cover and I hope this will fit in one video." Well Joe thanks for the donation and topic. The thing is these women you're with they are getting bored with you. The reason she talks about all kinds of strange bedroom fun is because she wants you to spend time and energy figuring out new and kinky ways to turn her crank. The honeymoon phase ends after two months and why do you think the average length of relationships these days is a couple of months? As for all the effort cleaning and cooking she figures that if I treat him better than he's ever been treated before in the beginning until he falls in love then I'll give him an experience that will keep him hooked. It's like the girlfriend experience that a working girl might give you. More like the traditional wife experience. Lucky you. I was the one that cooked and cleaned for women early in a relationship to impress them. You got women to cook and clean your cock for the first few months and then they resented you for not entertain them in the bedroom like a naked chimp. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

Hey Sandman, I was recently commenting on another post about how we bred the women we have today. All dog breeds today are derived from the wolf. Our stable foods, ie corn, wheat, sugar cane, rye, etc., are derived from grass and weeds. The lying, cheating housewives or whores are the result of Medieval Christianity and Islam.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

Women in general only love themselves: their children are of them and worthy of their love. This scenario sounds like love bombing.

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ExperimentalGroup 3 years ago

Just flip em over and go for the A game.

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MrJman 3 years ago

Muses don't work. They are competition. You can slip up and tell them what dreams you have. Plus if you allow them in your life, it is a small gateway for even a bigger relationship. Just figure out creative ways to be more creative. Small relationships could lead to bigger ones. Then red pill 3.0 will play out.

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