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Women Are Not Objects. Stop Trying to Possess Them

Published on 26 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation
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Furioso 1 year ago

They are not objects ? So ,why are they objectifying themselves on Onlyfans and Tinder ? Why are they taking the groom name when they gets married ? Why her money is her money and she's entitled to a man's ressources ? Why when you fuck them ,they think that you owe them something but when a man invest in them ,they owe him nothing ? You talk like these fucking animals are our equals or you are agree to be their servant ,it sounds very feminist to me which means female domination over men .Wahmen are governed by their feelings aka CHAOS ,that's why they should not have power over men ,watch what wahmen do with their fake freedom ,they become sluts ,children groomers with their twisted sense of morals and family destroyers ,that's why the last generations of kids are morally fucked up and are dehumanized NPCs because THEY view men as DISPOSABLE and REAPLACEABLE sex or success objects .They must submit and obey to us men if we want to save society and civilisation .Wahmen are followers ,men are leaders ,that's what nature created ,i repeat one more time for all the thick skulls out there ,female equality will bring doom to society and we can actually see the results in real time .

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 1 year ago

Very Good Points!

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