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Women Are NOT "Strong & Independent"

Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

In this video I'm going to talk about the idea of the so called "strong independent woman", and how this phrase is just an oxymoron. There's no such thing as a strong independent woman.

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Jaygo 11 hours ago

The self loathing, parasite gender

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Jaygo 11 hours ago

If a person or people feel the need to declare to you and the world that they are strong, independent, rich, smart of whatever. That alone lets you know they're not. People are not what they say,, they're what they do and show. Whatever you are, it will always speak for itself. You'll never have to say it, or convince yourself, or others of it.

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mrghoster 1 day ago

Because Society panders to women's needs, women have taken this as an alternative to MEN, even though as you say Society in reality is MEN. Men built it, MEN service it. But now MEN as individual's or even collectively ARE no longer seeing themselves as need, WE have taken the opportunity to go and thrive in our own way's often without the need or validation of pussy. Women have and will continue in their stupidity and ignorance to carry on as they do, berating MEN stealing whatever they can get out of society and benefits, they will fritter it away as they usually do and yada, yada. But when the economy or society collapses as it does about once a decade these women suddenly find themselves out in the cold, and guess what? NO MEN is gonna help the CUNT's well NOT REAL MEN anyways! lol! Yep! when society overheats it is often the free shit and entitlement that goes first so who are these CUNT's gonna turn to? Well I don't know, In fact I really don't give a shit as long as they don't expect me to save their sorry odd shaped asses! lol! as for MEN? well losing everything happens at least twice in a MAN's life time if not more? But being MEN and with our LOGIC and INNOVATION, we go solo and work on survival turning that eventually into a lifestyle or something positive, that's just what MEN do. But maybe the next time round we will have the common sense to really think about women being a part of OUR success. I personally hope MEN don't include women until they can prove they are deserving of MEN's achievements? I no longer and have done for some many years, just DO NOT help women by default and I don't fee guilty or bad about it, not when I think way back to all MY SELFLESS years I wasted on a women or three or nothing in return. I may appear to women as SELFISH, but NOPE, far from it. I'm play and expanding on my CATCH UP years that were wasted when younger and ignorant. After all I'm now a - "STRONG INDEPENDANT MAN"! lol! DRIZZLE, DRIZZLE!

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