redpills pt 13 - TheRedKnight

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Women Are Rushing To Find A Man As Hard Times Approach | MANOSPHERE

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Published on 22 Oct 2023 / In People & Blogs

uh oh XD

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SteveOUK 12 months ago

I've always found it odd the way women and married men determine solvency. "You need at least two million dollars to retire!" they claim, then list annual vacations on the French Riviera, Cabo Blanco, cruises, world tours, four adult children in Ivy League colleges... in what universe is this realistic? An independent man pulling down $50K can live happily and comfortably, surrounding himself with his hobbies and passions, the occasional girlfriend and his male friends unto the rest of his days. Of course one must adjust for inflation over time, invest and live within or under one's means--but the basic premise that a man MUST have incredible income to meet incredible plans for the future is absurd.

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Just the fucking video title was enough to make me bolt the doors and windows.

Fuck - Out of here.

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