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Women Are So Ran Through They Can't Keep Up Anymore

Published on 31 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

MEN are winning, we ARE still in charge but at the price of no women. Women are constantly being rejected now. Women are known for the delusional manipulative CUNT'S they are. They destroyed Pair bonding and MEN are NOT going to repair it, we cant, women mess up everything they touch. But they wont ever fuck me up, I know what they are like and I don't want any part of it. I don't validate them on the basis of shit like "You look nice tonight" and you spend that night in a jail cell because a compliment was sexual harrasment. It's never happened to me but I know it has happened. MEN don't know where they stand with these Mentally Ill Harpies, so the best thing is just towalk away take your life skills and interests and DO YOUR OWN THING. Now the tables have turned women have to sort their own shit out, after all they created it, besides WTF can a MAN do anymore but for himself?

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GenerationLESS 1 year ago

At 5:25...8 years? I dated her for 7, thought I made a good decision, and I still lost. I warn all young men I talk to to never get married.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

When they ask me, when will you get married: I give them the laundry list, though short: When women's suffrage is abolished along with Family Court and No Fault divorce and Custody starts at 50/50 AND if the child dies because of an unfit mother awarded custody by the court, the judge, the lawyer, and the human services rep or social worker who gave her said child, are held accountable: I think eye for eye, life for a life is acceptable. If these are met, then I will have to find "The Right One."

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Oh, snd one more thing: DNA tests on all newborns.

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Mustang 1 year ago

Sorry Dude, Modern Marriage has nothing to offer a man and is full of risk. Any man who married today is a Fool. Seriously.

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Women are so ran through..... Yep.

Played the wrong game and played it until they were too far gone and it was too late...

Fuck them.

You don't want an idiot.

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