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Women Are Tired Of So-called Independence

Published on 17 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation

I've noticed that women are tqalking about this shit, BUT they don't really do anything material or physical about it. These lazy so called Independants are really just fucking bored and lazy because they have to do shit for themselves and they want a SLAVE to do the dirty work for them. Well that ain't me, they can do their own dirty work and modern women are very Dirty in many way's.

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I support Feminists Proclaiming Feminism.

"It's your car, you fix it".

Hurruh - She now knows the difference between a socket set and a screw driver.

Yeah she can't poke socket sets up her pee hole.

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Drums_McBashington 1 year ago

They are children, playing 'Adult Life', safe and secure in the playground that men built, maintain and protect.
Now they want a juice box and nap time, while somebody cleans up their various messes. Shouldn't have written that "Equality" bullshit in permanent ink. Enjoy the consequences.

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saaralgris 1 year ago

I see this at my job everyday. All that time spent attaining a semi high profile career is time not spent in cultivating feminine attributes to land a solid dude. This on top of the fact they only want a top 10% guy, and it's a recipe for a long, arduous, solitary life. Us men are built for that kind of life, it's all many of us have known since we were kids. Them, not so much. I'm still looking for a fuck to give, haven't found it yet.

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