Women Are Worried Men Don't Want to Be Their Husbands Anymore
Women are worried MEN don't want to be their husbands? Well is it any fucking wonder. I've got a new life and lifestyle ALONE, and thankful for it. Feminism save me, not that that is a credit to feminism but a wake up call my logical male mind picked up on. They say every cloud has a silver lining, that lining is Solitude and Freedom away from fefail oppression. I have come up smelling of roses after years of being in the SHIT. MEN have and still do get pushed away by women, it has happened for so long now that MEN have adapted away from the TRAD's and women have NOT moved on at all. They still think they can have it all including Traditional values, which by the way THEY wont adhere or keep to but MEN are expected to? It doesn't work that way. Both parties have to be together to make any system work. A women once had a cushy job sitting at home while the washer did the washing and the TV pandered to her need's , all she had to do was cook a meal for any kid's she had and hubbie when he came in from work, occasional sex and a holiday were the pay off for this and of course housekeeping money from hubbies wages. Women and feminism has wiped that out totally, and NOW they ther women want it back? Well lady's (I use the trm lightly), go fuck yourselves, when a MAN is gone he is GONE! lol!
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Jesus, much more than a curse word. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lord's and soon returning Ruler to this Planet!!!
Same old, wall-women complaining about not finding a husband. What's new?
I survived til 3 minutes and 57 seconds...
"Are you exhausted from dating" - she Reeeeee's....
Nope. Not at all.
So glad that retarded sluts like you find me to be a disgusting fat cunt...
Sure there is room for improvement - but skinny or fat - I don't want fucking bitches like you either.
So fuck off.
Alpha widow rants