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Women Ban Men From The White House? LOL - MGTOW

Published on 13 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Who run the world? White House press briefing is dominated by women.

Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qEi_mow21I


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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Harold and he didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover a hilarious article called "Who run the world? White House press briefing is dominated by women on Thursday with lone man joining 12 ladies - after four major networks named new female WH correspondents." The first thing that made me laugh was the title by Carly Stern. The first sentence should be "Who Runs The World? instead of Who Run the World?" Carly no spell so good. Daily Mail editor spell not so goodie good too. The article makes the point that on Thursday January 29th the white house press briefing room was filled almost exclusively by female journalists. There was only one male journalist there. There were 12 female and 1 male reporters and looks like ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN have all appointed female white house correspondents. Bye bye Jim Accosta. There were many people on social media celebrating that so many women were present. But I'm sure that no one will be celebrating at the big networks when no one is watching white house briefings anymore because women start asking questions like will Joe Biden paint Air Force One a different color. I'm not making this up. That was an actual question. If you scroll down into the middle of the article you'll see a photo of the briefing room and you can see there are several male photographers and videographers. Probably also a man running the audio system too. Women are patting each other on their push up bras thinking this is true equality. Meanwhile it's just become a girls club. The funny thing is no one is going to listen to these press briefings anymore or care about what is being said. I work for women that spend tons of money to produce high quality production video shows with three cameras, studio lighting and they don't get the message that content is king. Ironically their content isn't even queen in this case. I'll discuss this more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the video. The first time I knew things were going to go back is when a female reporter asked Jen Psaki the white house press secretary about how Joe Biden would deal with the financial problems facing the country. She said well Janet Yellen is a female. That was her answer. Not an actual solution just a statement about her gender. I can just see things in the future. She'll be asked how do you fix the bridge? Well the engineer is a woman. How to we put out the housefire? Well the firefighters are all stunning and brave women. I can't even make this up. For every problem that's brought up it wouldn't surprise me if the answer was whamen. No actual plan of attack just whamen! This is how far we gotten in clown world. So if you're a man that's dreamed about being a reporter at the white house you'll see that it will soon be all women so why would you bother getting into that field of study unless you're an online journalist? Why wouldn't you see all the men in the back of the room with their cameras and think to yourself I'd rather do that instead. Women don't want to be videographers and photographers. They find it too technical unless they use
a selfie stick and an Iphone. The sexes will be increasingly segregated in the media environment. Women and minorities will be the anchors and journalists while men will do the technical production and filming. But as I was saying content is king and not queen. I've seen women spend tens of thousands of dollars on me to produce content that only fifty or one hundred people might see. They want the production quality because it comes down to status and they are willing to pay for it.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

so let's colonize Ceres in secret and we can make it a MGTOW dwelling.

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I am looking forward to "Camel Toe - Hairy Arse" and her bucket cunt, getting her cumuppance.

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Max_Dominate 4 years ago

#MeToo! Ha.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

MANKIND is why earth is so dirty......... mankind will dirty up mars, the moon..........

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

FEMALES will have no idea what they have done........MEN need to let em burn.

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