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Women Blame Men For Everything & We Can't Blame Them For Anything - MGTOW

Published on 15 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

The Feminst Trope, Explained

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MR. Tattoo and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, It would appear that feminism thinks along the same lines as MGTOW. I always see videos for MGTOW but I never see videos for feminism on YouTube, so I went looking. They say the same things in their videos, every argument is mirrored. It's just an interesting observation and maybe a good talking point for a video. Cheers." Well Mr. Tattoo thanks for the donation and topic. You sent me a link to a video called The Feminst Trope, Explained. Yes it does talk a lot about how feminists tend to have many of the same qualities that men going their own way have. That they are intellectual and articulate and that male validation is not the primary metric that she measures her value in life. Men going their own way obviously don't measure our lives or at least we shouldn't measure our lives based on female validation. Plus many of us online are articulate and intelligent. But where things get sketchy in this video is when it says that feminists preach, overthink and see issues that don't really exist. In the past there were issues for women. It's just that today those issues have been solved and at first glance it appears as though there is no rational reason for seemingly irrational feminists to exist anymore. But they serve a more insidious purpose. I believe it all comes down to collective
projection. Projection is a form of gaslighting. They want us all to think that we're the bad guys when were actually the good guys and they are bad gals. All the talk from feminists about there being some sort of mysterious group of men controlling women through the patriarchy that probably exists in masonic lodges cooking up ways to control the cooch is really about accusing men of the very same behavior that feminists and more importantly women themselves are guilty of. They are accusing us of the very deeds they are guilty of so that we have zero recourse. Women don't want us to realize that we actually live in a covert matriarchal society. That's the unspoken secret among all women. They know it but no man ever should. I'll get to more about the similarities and differences between feminists and MGTOWs in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. The title of this women blame men for everything & we can't blame them for anything should have another sentence after it. We can't blame them for anything because they used that argument first and they
have made it their own. If you accuse someone of cheating first then you look like a kindergarten baby if you accuse of the same thing back. We are conditioned early in grade school to believe that if someone says you're stupid and you say no you're stupid back at them then you look pathetic and that you don't have a valid argument back even if it's true that other person is stupid you aren't. When you think about it like that women control men through kindergarten psychology. As for the video you shared Mr. Tattoo it's way to long and about the fifteen minute mark I found myself getting tired of it. The link to it is in the description. It says that feminists questions established social conventions. So do MGTOWs but we don't bring them up to change them. We bring them up to warn other men to avoid standing on those land mines. The video says that on screen feminists are always portrayed as being angry or too much to handle. That they are radicals. Obviously in mgtow we have the Red pill rage but it's a phase we grow out of unlike feminist characters that seem to be stuck in it. Feminists also always promote the idea that we should all be feminists. Or men can be allies. MGTOWs say there's no way Jose a woman can go her own way. They believe that society owes them we just believe that society should leave us alone.

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I now actively blame the women for everything. Why not? Because it is all their fault.

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zdoctor 4 years ago


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hqwebsite 4 years ago

Before they were called Karen, they were known as BACON - Bitches Acting Crazy Over Nothing.

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MortRigo 4 years ago

Huh, 2020 has been a really weird year. This year I found out that I don't like all kind of bacon.

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charliebrownau 4 years ago

Jews and Females
They always refuse to take accountablity and personal responsibility for their own actions

They lack the ablity for Self Reflection, Self Actualisation and admitting they are wrong

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@Metal_X: Your a jew.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Is he really? It would make perfect sense based on his behavior and childish racist tirades. I've blocked him, so I don't see his or acelaken's comments anymore.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: A few days ago I found out that the Realist_Philosopher guy is a Jew too. He got catty and defensive when I asked him, and also bitched about Jews being attacked with rocks by the Palestinians. That response and attempted subversive manipulation of the truth is an automatic giant red Semitic flag.

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@Johnny_Cage: Noooooooo I don't give a fuck about the jewishness or not, about other people - The Mental Ex was slagging people off calling them amongst everything else he calls people, he called them kikes / cainite mongrel scum. So I called Mental Ex a Jew, just to piss him off.

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