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Women Can Either Face the Truth or Crash Into It Unprepared

48 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 17 Dec 2023 / Im Film & Animation

I've noticed a change when out and about, that change is in women. they all seem so miserable, as if I care as I'm finished with then. But if women have started to see the truth i think it is far to late. as a MAN like many of you I've experienced at first hand women's attitudes and those attitudes have got worse in recent years. women are just not prepared for what is the new truth, MEN can do it for themselves and women will use every TRICK to try to by pass that, But notice they wont conceed or apologize that they were wrong. Men already steadfastly know the nature of women, so the women can suffwer alone and in silence, not being noticed or sought by MEN. We already have better things to do with our lives in many cases, many if not all these things don't require validation from or the need for a women. MEN are STILL in control if they put pussy behind them, women have NOTHING to bring to any table, the same tables they burned along with those bridges. What does a women have in all honesty that is benificial to a MAN? NOTHING. We hear women saying they want to be a traditrional wife and stay at home? In other words another way of taking advanbtage of MEN, they do NOTHING why MEN do it all, we saw this at the beginning of feminism, when a Guy came home from work their was no meal on the table, the kid's were dirty or the house was dirty. NOPE guy's don't ever go back to that, you are better off aklone and Happy than in a prison of emotional blackmail and lazy CUNT's.

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usr6874038614 1 Jahr vor

Women don't like making other women feel bad. It is why they refuse to tell each other the truth about life.

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That image - 6 seconds in....

Old, Unfuckable, and BITTER.

Sphincters Clenched Tightly in RAGE.

Except for all the hemorrhoids from their whore years of arse fucking....

Maybe Sphincters just clenched a little bit - in Furious Rage...

Fuck they get pissy and desperate when NO ONE WANTS TO FUCK THEM.....

Oooooooooooooo THE BITTERNESS.

Knocked back for a fuck?

They are so demoralised that they stopped trying to pick up guys a long time ago.

But their 23 year old daughter..... "Hey Baby!" - and won't the OLD MOLL be pissed when she finds out....... That the daughter turned out just like her.... LOL

"Mum - can I borrow your hemorrhoid cream?"

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sauger1001 1 Jahr vor

"No one wants to fvck them..." Except for a: Simp. . . Simp. . . Desperation for pvssy." Replicant Fish

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