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Women Control Men Via Pleasure & Pain - MGTOW

Published on 15 Sep 2021 / In People & Blogs

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

Wisdom From A 46 Year Old MGTOW To The Younger Generation

Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZjjjnqPYo4

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Andrew. This is the second video I'm putting together with his donation. I found a post on Going Your OWn Way Dot Com that I'd like to read to everyone. It's the least I can do to promote it after Reddit pulled down the MGTOW Subreddit. So go over there or over toe Ruqqus and join the community. Before I share share today's topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High-Conflict Divorce: Anyways, on with the video. There's a post on called: "Wisdom From A 46 Year Old MGTOW To The Younger Generation" by someone named Almost Geezer and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Young men are naïve about a lot of things, I know I certainly was when I was younger and I sincerely wish someone had set me down and really told me how it is. Women are programmed from birth to lie, deceive, and manipulate others emotionally. They may not have muscles and physical brawn but they are cunning, and are always plotting and scheming. They may smile and seem sweet and innocent but underneath all that make up is a cold, calculating, machine built for deception and manipulation. We serve as sperm banks and ATMs to women, and that is all we are to them. They love what we can do for them, but not for who we are as people. Once someone can do more for them, they "love" them more. If some man offers more money and or better genetics and sperm, they will leave for the better mate. Women have almost no accountability in our society, they can do or say just about anything they please unless other women join forces to stop them. Most women are never forced to grow up, never seriously disciplined either by their parents or society, there is no accountability no serious consequences for their actions. Imagine if men were never disciplined, what rotten awful people they would grow up to be. Women use pain and pleasure to classically condition us via a form of brainwashing. We get physical pleasure via sex when we do what they want, and emotional and psychological pain when we do not. This is classical conditioning 101, very basic stuff and it's a very effective form of brainwashing. They will wear you down until they break you mentally and then they can control you as if they had a remote control for your brain. Women can and they do classically condition us using pain and pleasure. Women also know this, they know they can stimulate your pleasure center and it's like they can reach their fingers into your brain and make you their puppet the more effectively they stimulate it. You become an zombie, an extension of them. They also know that if you don't comply with them they can withhold sex to get you to comply, and if that doesn't work and you still don't comply they can cause you pure, raw, unbridled emotional pain and chaos. Women can destroy you emotionally, they know how to reach inside your heart, mind and soul and destroy you and they won't hesitate to do anything in their power to keep you in line. They can destroy you socially as well by manipulating your friends and family into hating you. True story, I broke up with an ex, so she started dating my boss and convinced him to fire me. Women have the ability to edit how people view you, it's like a real life superpower they possess. They can and will befriend everyone in your social circle to turn them against you, and it is amazing how effectively they can manipulate others opinion of you. This is all about control for them, we are their beasts of burden. We are kept in line as their slaves via pleasure and pain. Yet most men for whatever reason remain blind to this their entire lives.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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Mgvember 3 years ago

A big redpill for me is how quickly they go from 'liking' you to near resentment once they find you're not easy.

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

I think females like the idea of a challenge akin to a power fantasy, but not the actual challenge itself.

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

My other personal thought is that the majority of females we see in life now are already broken, they’ve given themselves to another man. I got this idea that —Sex is marriage in a physiological sense, in that once a woman gives herself and submits to a man, she is mated to that man. Therefore any other man after the first one will only be seen as an outsider. I think it makes sense because way back then females were given to a man when she was about 15 years old, and before then she’d be very sheltered, not know the touch of another man till that time when her father gives her to the man who is to be her mate. It’s only during these last 50+ years that unofficial contract between male and female has been broken.

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

As for the official legal concept of marriage, I view it as an abomination, a part of the tyranny used to strip men of their natural freedoms, to weaken them and break them into beast of burden.

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