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Women Desperately Seeking Men In Public - LOL!

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Publicado en 25 Oct 2024 / En Entretenimiento

They're clueless. They can get men for nookie, but they can't get that gosh darn commitment. Where are the men that will give it to them, but also tick all their boxes? It's hilarious watching these broads run around, and try to figure out where the good men are, meanwhile finding none. Ahahahahaha!


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Alpha070 5 meses hace

At those Golf Clubs and Hotel Loby there soon will be Signs that read no whores or dogs allowed

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Alpha070 5 meses hace

Whats the Diffrence between Hookers/Streetworkers(WHORES) that Frequent Highclass Hotel Loby to find Customers and on the other side Modern Tictoc THOTS those Hookers in Hotel Lobys are way more honest and less Dangerous/Destructive to wealthy Men Hookers want to make a quick Buck Thots want to have it all .

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