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Women Don't Like it When Men act Like Them!

Raging Golden Eagle
Raging Golden Eagle
281 subscribers
Published on 11 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation
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AwfulDIGGER 1 year ago

Smells like shite!

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

But, hot girl summer RGE.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

A former FWB tried to get me to go on a cruise with her and her woman friend. I told her "No, I can't afford it." She told me she would pay for it, and I could pay her back. I told her I had no interest in losing work days bc of a cruise that would land me in debt. Glad we never got together long term. If I were to go on a cruise, I'd go alone, and meet people while on the cruise, not go with someone with whom I had no long term interest romantically.

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Jaygo 1 year ago

This speaks volumes.. Because the fact of the matter is; even if he wouldn't have "ghost" her". She still would have been out of 1000 pounds and had to go to the food bank.. UNLESS she was already planning on her date with him being an investment and getting the money back from him on the back end by asking him for money afterwards. Because, If she already had that money budgeted, why would she spend it on the date? because like most women, they all think they're 10's that no man can resist. she was counting on the guy being enamored with her and sticking around,so she spending that money up front on the date as an investment and getting it back from him in increments. The problem is not the guy. the Problem is her huge ego and bad investment decisions.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

The guy got her wet. He probably laid the pipe properly, but bc she was a single mother, he wasn't into her as anything more than a fling. She pays his freight. He ghosts her afterwards. End of story.

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