Women Don't Need Men...Sort Of
Published on 30 Jul 2024 / In
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The relationship between men and women has always been complicated but there is one area where women don't really need men and it is not the one you think it is.
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They don't need you, they just need what you can provide for them.
They need men .They need attention ,structures ,provisions ,directions ...They are lost without us ,they only think they don't need men because the state brainwashed them to think that and because they got plenty of men's attention on social medias and dating apps .We'll see if they are independent when society will fall and it will happen way sooner than you think .Look what happen actually with Israel and Liban .I don't remember where i saw this but Albert Pike a high ranked free mason told that the 3rd world war will be between Israel and the islamic world .Voila .
I think strongly that women need men; either they are in self-denial and brainwashed or they are trying "to game" out men in their retarded minds forcing us to bring our A-game, our bet, do our best but what they are doing is driving men away: Men the only ones who would protect them. The Globohomo Satanists have driven a wedge between men and women and separated both women and children from the men who would look out for them: It's a pasta bar of degeneracy the Globohomos can now perform because of that wedge they driven in bwtween the sexes. Let the bitches reap what they sowed. Stop having kids with them, whom we can not protect any more.
Agreed. This is why I have a waifu. I know for a fact I'd be right back on the plantation without one.