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Women don’t need a legacy like a man. You’ll end up like Chelsea handler

Published on 20 Jul 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 3 months ago

There's no reason to create a legacy among humans though. Humans are selfish monetary creatures. Most are. Treasure goblins. I mean if you're the emperor then I guess you have a reason to reproduce. But if you're not the ruling class then why produce more slaves to be preyed upon by corpos and taxes?
Now if you're a Viking colonizing Iceland in the middle ages and you have no king, no taxes, surveillance state, CEOs, investors, etc. Then you have a life of freedom to offer your legacy. Temporarily until Iceland forms a corrupt Gov like every other nation in history. Which it did and it's a communist nation like all the others now. Same with Americans going West to the frontier escaping Gov in the East. There's nowhere left to run these days. A Gov and their cucked military simps will hunt you down and steal everything from you if you're not enslaved paying taxes to them already.
In today's world? No way. It's cruel to bring new lives into this system. Especially sons who will be disrespected their entire lives. If you have a daughter you're simply adding more debt to the welfare system. While a son is a taxed slave paying for their own parents retirement after the parents shoo you out of the home at age 16-18. Because our parents do not care about us. We were born to work and be exploited by our own parents for F's sake. Even worse I have a sister also who has been a welfare sponge. I don't even talk to my family because they do not care about me. Just a resource to be used for their benefit. That's why I work part-part time and live in minimalism.
Also due to tech I'd say 99% of humans are nearly obsolete. The ruling class wants AI robot slaves now. Do you really want your child to suffer in the big purge when the ruling class goes all out and genocides all of us plebs? They are already subtly killing us with the foods and Pharma drugs.
Just look at the cost of housing today. Your newborns of 2024 are screwed. They will all be homeless and mass crime everywhere. You wanted a Gov so badly well here we are. And no Trump will not save us. He will make comedic statements as life continues to become more expensive so he can have a harem of one million whores while can't find any worthy maidens for marriage. Rest assured cucks in suits are paying women for sex though. They can't get it for free like us masculine men who aren't fatsos.

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AngryCoffee 2 years ago


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