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Women Finally RAGE Over Bidenflation & Being Gaslit Into Thinking It's Their Fault!

Published on 05 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

Bidenflation Finally goes Too Far! Use code "4444" at https://www.veebsapp.com/ to get a free trial of VEEBS!

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It's pretty easy to sort - Get some digital or analogue scales in the 20 to 50 or even 100 gram range - and get a pack of Brand X Type Y tampons, from say 1 or 2 years ago... weigh 2 or 5 or 10 of them, and then compare them to the equivalent of a modern tampon in the same brand and type, and draw your conclusions.

Measuring the mass of 1 for 1 tampon, will reveal the differences, but a 10 for 10 will amplify the differences.

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Toki 3 months ago

It is partly their fault. Show me a woman who isn't in debt despite having wealth showered upon them for free by cucks.

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