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Women Get Bad Advice From Single Women & Wonder Why Men Refuse To ADAPT

Published on 09 Jan 2024 / In Entertainment

Women Get Bad Advice From Single Women & Wonder Why Men Refuse To ADAPT #datingadvice #girlmath #modernwoman

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Leader_Desslok 8 months ago

this chick has everything backwards . also she is projecting her backwards thinking off onto men . just another case of take anything that a woman says and reverse it , and you will have the truth.

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NeoGeoGamer 8 months ago

This isn't even new. I remember seeing an old book titled "Why Men Love Bitches" at goodwill. Just looked it up, published in 2002. Women are caught in a loop LMAO

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 8 months ago

A viscous cycle of struggling with men. A vicious men-struggle-cycle. Vicious menstrual cycle......period.

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usr6874038614 8 months ago

So she discovered that men and women are different... Congratulations, einstein.

She mixes sexual attraction with romantic attraction. Men do not love bitches, we love to rail em. It's an instinct thing. Best p***y is crazy p***y. But as relationship partners bitches are unacceptable; simply too much trouble. Admittedly, some dudes didn't get that memo yet.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Damn... wtf is that crazy bitch talking about? I heard nothing of value or meaning come out I her mouth... I can see why she's alone.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 8 months ago

I see this and I don't see a woman giving bad advice, but proof that women don't really care about men. This isn't just self-unaware, this is two steps from the endgame of societal misandry.

"Women love more than men; unconditionally."
Which is why women cheat more and divorce (in hetero and lesbian couples) more?

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Well, they do more loving... just not with the one guy...

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