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Women Going Broke With Excessive Lifestyle During These Tough Times

Published on 09 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

Women jst cant see that this attitude of being spoiled and going BROKE, Is a societal thing that that ihas been created by Government to suck what wealth they can out of Us. Women therefore are the perfect catalyst for just such a thing. no self control, not enough BRAIN CELL's to see what is going on, ALL powered by the fefail Nature of SELFISHNESS. Women still live in this Delusion that when they get older a M<AN will pay off all their debts and make them happy by being a wallet of CUCK. They apply out dated tradition to a senario where this stuff no longer applies. MEN have seen through women (Thanks to feminism)! that all women do is use and then abuse MEN. MEN are to blame for everything if you listen to women? Yet they seem so desperate for Us, WHY? They thw women have pissed in the pool and I for one as a MAN have no intention of swimming in it! lol! We are living in times that I've lived before like all of us MEN, but we survive, wonder why that is? Yep times are or can be hard but you pull in your belt and cut your cloth to fit your life style not go out and over spend and wreck it. like women do. There aare NOT going to be any MEN willing to pick up her debt or problem when it isn't one our concern and secondly there is NOTHING offered in return for that undertaking. So the bottom line is "FUCK YOU WOMEN"! lol!

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Jaygo 9 months ago

I say this all the time. If a woman takes advantage of a man, It's his own damned fault for being soo stupid to allow it. A lot of these guys deserve to be robbed and destroyed by women, because they pedestalize them. People, especially woman, can ONLY do to a man what he's dumb enough to allow her to do to him. That is a fact of life.

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saaralgris 9 months ago

Since I have learned women will never like me for who I am, I'll take my hard-earned money and invest it into myself like I have been for the last two decades. Even high earning women think your money is theirs to siphon and spend. What could be more arrogant and delusional?

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Councilof1 10 months ago

That woman was funny. There used to be many thing's women could get from me but money was never one of those things.

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Toki 10 months ago

The funny thing is if she changed her voice to be feminine she could blow her breath into a microphone for one hour. While making $100,000 a stream from simps using a AnimeTubing model.
I don't actually advise this or simp. Just saying she has no idea what she's doing. She could be playing Minecraft right now while paid chats and subs overfill the annoying donation alert sound.

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Toki 10 months ago

So do some of the scammers on this site like Donovan Sharpe. Or that late Kenny Samuels. Pissing their money away on suits which I consider as something a corrupt spoiled bitch would wear. Like Joe Biden. This isn't just a woman thing. Personally I find the man in the thumbnail to be pathetic. It's not fancy. It's gay. Some jeans and a flannel shirt is manly. While women would look best at all times in a simple maid uniform. See anime fashion for examples. But men needs clothes ready to get dirty at any time. Because a real man is efficient, not fancy and smelling like stinky cologne that Kenny Samuels promotes for $500 for 2 fl oz.

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sauger1001 9 months ago

"Kevin", not "Kenny" Samuels. Lol!

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Toki 9 months ago

@sauger1001: At least he has a normal name I'll give him that. Not North East West as his name.

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