Women Lying - Family lawyer exposes the domestic violence racket corrupting our courts
Published on 07 Apr 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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I am couch hosting a buddy of mine who just split with his lady, this time for good. I know her enough to say that she is not very smart, & as my buddy concedes, a wanton liar, as is her mother btw. My pal being on my couch for a few days has noticed that I watch quite a bit of MGTOW stuff. He's been through hell with her, has 2 kids with her, and she has all his stuff & is playing him for its return, & he's broke & needs to find a job. Meanwhile, single never married me who has everything paid off & a respectable set up is "obsessing" on this subject. I told him our poison-minded females are the single biggest problem for Western white people, period. We are doomed unless they come back to the old ways. This is THEIR FAULT by far more than men's, since the have finagled getting the State to be their perpetual Bullyguard against us as a way to get "stuff" at our ongoing expense. I might have to start making my own content on the subject. Our American females at least, by a far larger measure, are liabilities rather than assets.
It certainly is difficult to like modern Western females. I won't even talk to them anymore unless it's a clerk situation or similar. They have become multifaceted liabilities.